Arithmetic Problems

1) If Re.1 becomes Rs.16 over a period of 45 years,what is the rate % per annum.
1) 25%
2) 20%
3) 15%
4) 3313%

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2) The simple interest of a sum of money is 9/16 of the principal,and the rate % is equal to the number of year.Find the rate per cent
2) 5%
3) 712%
4) 25%

3) If Rs.900 amounts to Rs.1080 in 4 years at simple interest,what sum will amount to Rs.1275 in 5 years at the same rate
1)1020 Rs.
2)1000 Rs.
3)1230 Rs.
4)1450 Rs.

4) What sum of money will amount to Rs. 747.50 in 3 years,the rate of interest being 4,5 and 6%, during 1st , 2nd and 3rd year respectively
1) 600 Rs.
2) 650 Rs.
3) 700 Rs.
4) 750 Rs.

5) A person invested Rs.500 at a certain rate % and Rs.700 at 1% higher.The total interest from these investments in 3 years was Rs 165.Find the rate %.
1) 3
2) 4
3) 5
4) 6

6) The sum of Rs.1550 was lent partly at 5% and partly at 8% simple interest.The total interest received after 3 years was Rs.300.How much was lent at 8%
1) 670 Rs
2) 700 Rs.
3) 750 Rs.
4) 800 Rs.

7) I lent Rs.8000 at the rate of 334% per annum.If I have to pay 614% p in a rupee as income tax,find my net annual income.
1) 280 Rs.
2) 281.25 Rs.
3) 300 Rs.
4) 400 Rs.

8) The compound interest on a sum of money for 3 years at 5% is Rs.252.20.What is the simple interest.
1) 240Rs.
2) 250 Rs.
3) 300 Rs.
4) 350 Rs.

9)In how many years will a sum becomes 27 times when it trebles itself in 7 years at compound interest.
1)12 years.
2) 21 years.
3) 22 years.
4) 25 years.

10) In what time will Rs.2000 amount to Rs. 2420 at 10% per annum compound interest.
1) 2 years.
2) 3 years.
3) 4 years.
4) 5 years.

11)At what rate% compound interest will the sum of Rs. 2000 amount to Rs.231.25 in 3 years
1) 4%
2) 6%
3) 8%
4) 5%

12)Four percent more is gained by selling an article for Rs.180 than by selling it for Rs.175. Find its cost price
1)125 Rs.
2)150 Rs.
3) 200 Rs.
4) 250 Rs.

13) A table was sold at a loss of 10%. If it were sold for Rs.70 more,there would have been a gain of 4%.What is the cost price of the table.
1) 500 Rs.
2) 600 Rs.
3) 700 Rs.
4) 800 Rs.

14) A tradesman’s prices are 25 percent above cost price,but he allows his customers a discount of 12% on the amount of the bill.What percent profit does he make
1) 10%
2) 12%
3) 15%
4) 20%

15) A trader marked the price of the radio 40% above the cost price and allows 10% discount for paying cash on the spot.If he gains Rs.65,what is the cost of the radio.
1) 200Rs.
2) 300 Rs.
3) 250 Rs.
4) 450 Rs.

16) What price should a tradesman mark on an article which costs him Rs. 153 to gain 20% after allowing a discount of 15%
1) Rs.200
2) 216 Rs.
3) 224 Rs.
4) 240

17) At what profit percent an article be sold so that by selling at half that price,there may be a loss of 30%
1) 30%
2) 25%
3) 35%
4) 40%

18) I bought 80 Kg of salt for Rs.88 and was obliged to sell it at a loss of as much money as I received for 20 Kg.At what price did I sell the salt.
1) 88P
2) 80P
3) 45P
4) 50 P

19) The present ages of A and B are as 7:9.Nine years ago their ages were in the ratio of 2:3.Find the present age of A.
1) 20 years
2) 21 years
3) 25 years
4) 30 years

20) A father aged 45 years has a son 20 years old.How many years ago was father 6 times as old as his son
1) 15 years
2) 20 years
3) 25 years
4) 30 years

21) 15 years hence a man will be just 4 times as old as he was 15 years ago.Find his present age.
1) 20 years
2) 25 years
3) 30 years
4) 35 years

22) The average of 25 results is 18, that of the first 12 is 17 and that of last 12 is 19.The 13 result is
2) 20
3) 25
4) 32

23) Of three numbers,the second is half the first and the third is ½ of the second.If the average of the three is 28,find the first number

24) The average age of 6 children and their father is 12 years,which is reduced by 5 years if the father be excluded.How old is the father.
1) 40 years
2) 42 years
3) 34 years
4) 45 years

25) If oranges are bought 11 for Rs.10 and sold at 10 for Rs.11. What is the gain or loss %
1) 21%
2) 22%
3) 30%
4) 23%

26) Find the cost price of a table if by selling it for Rs.99,I gain 1212%
1) 88 Rs.
2) 90 Rs.
3) 80 Rs.
4) 75 Rs.

27) How many different divisors besides unity will divide 280 exactly
1) 16
2) 15
3) 20
4) 30

28) What is the number whose eleventh part multiplied by its fifth part gives 2695
1) 355
2) 400
3) 385
4) 450

29) A number 42 is divided into two parts in the ratio 3:4.Find the number which is sum of the squares of the two parts
1) 900
2) 800
3) 400
4) 500

30) A garrison of 4500 men has provisions for 80 days.After 20 days, how many men must leave so that the provisions may last them for 90 days
1) 2500 men
2) 1500 men
3) 3000 men
4) 2400 men

31) A mixture of 30 litres of milk and water contains milk and water in the ratio of 7:3.How much water must be added to it so that the ratio of milk to water be reversed
1) 20 litres
2) 30 litres
3) 40 litres
4) 50 litres

32) If 3 men or 6 women can do a piece of work in 16 days.In how many days can 12 men and 8 women do the same piece of work
1) 3 days
2) 4 days
3) 5 days
4) 6 days

33) 5 chairs cost as much as 12 stools, 7 stools as much as 2 tables, 3 tables as much as 2 sofas.If the cost of 5 sofas be Rs. 875,find the cost of chair
1) Rs 90
2) Rs 7
3) Rs.100
4) Rs.80

34) The population of a village increases at the rate of 5% every 10 years.What was the population 20 years ago of the village if the present one be 8820
1) 9000
2) 7500
3) 8500
4) 8000

35) A man travels 15 km per hour for an hour and 45 km per hour on scooter for another hour.The average speed for the whole distance is
1) 40 km p.h.
2) 30 km p.h.
3) 22.5 km p.h.
4) 32.5 kmp.h.

Arithmetic Problems

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