1) The maintenance of internal favourable conditions by a self regulated mechanism irrespective of changes in the environment is called:
1) Entropy
2) Enthalpy
3) Homeostasis
4) Steady state
2) Read the following statements
I) Linnaeus considered species as a basic unit of classification
II)Buffon proposed the idea of evolution of a species
III) Dobzhansky introduced the concept of Mendelian population
1) I & II correct
2) II & III correct
3) I & III correct
4) All are correct
3) I) Biodiversity hot spots are characterized by very high levels of species richness and low degree of endemism
II) Minimally disturbed area for the conservation of biosphere resources is the biosphere reserve
III) Specific endangered fauna are protected in wild life sanctuaries
IV) Total number of biodiversity hot spots in India are 34
In the above correct statements are
1) I II IV
3) I IV
4) Matching the following
Group-A | Group-B |
A.Sarguja | 1.Biodiversity hot spots |
B.Norman Myers | 2.Ailurus |
C.Genebanks | 3.Sus salvanius |
D.Sus salvanius | 4.Sacred grove |
E.Red panda | 5.Grus leucogeranus |
6.Ex-situ conservation
1) A-6, B-4, C-3, D-2, E-5
2) A-3, B-6, C-4, D-1, E-2
3) A-4, B-3, C-5, D-2, E-1
4) A-4, B-1, C-6, D-3, E-2
5) Which one of the following is mismatch
1) Spiral cleavages-Protostomes
2) fate of blastopore fixed late in the development Deuterostomes
3) Peritoneal layer lines the body cavity Pseudocoelomates
4) Body cavity enclosed inside an outside by muscles-Coelom
6) Peristalsis of alimentary canal occurs Independent of the contraction and relaxation of body wall in
1) Acoelomates
2) Pseudocoelomates
3) Eucoelomates
4) Both 2and 3
7) Match the following and choose the correct combination
List I | List II |
A. Pancreas | 1.Holocrine |
B. Goblet cell | 2.Unicellular |
C. Mammary glands | 3.Apocrine |
D. Sebaceous glands | 4.Merocrine |
1) 4 2 1 3
2) 4 3 2 1
3) 2 4 3 1
4) 4 2 3 1
8) Arrange the following parts of a compact bone (As seen in T.S of a compact bone) from outer to inner
a) Concentric lamella
b) Endosteum
c) Bone marrow
d) Periosteum
e) Outer circumferential lamella
f) Inner circumferential lamella
1) d e a f b c
2) a b c d e f
3) e d a b f c
4) d a e b f c
10) Assertion (A) : Cardiac muscle is highly resistant to fatigue
Reason (R): It is facilitated with continuous anaerobic respiration
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false but R is true
11) Polyembryony and polymorphism exhibited by following organisms respectively
1) Aurelia & Adamsia
2) Euplectella & Euspongia
3) Enterobius & Ancylostoma
4) Fasciola and Physalia
12) A characteristic biological phenomenon seen in Ctenophores is
1) Bioluminescence
2) Metagenesis
c) Nocturnal Periodicity
4) Lunar periodicity
13) Study the following
a) Filarial worm
b) Haemadipsa
c) Sea mouse
d) Bilharzia
e) Dog tapeworm
f) Arenicola
Which of the above are dioecious?
1) b and e only
2) b, c, d and e
3) a, b, e only
4) a, c, d and f
14) Arrange the following structures in pheretima based on number of segments occupied by them
A. Gizzard
B. Nervering
C. Blood glands
D. Hearts
1) A-B- C- D
2) A- C-D-B
3) A-D-B-C
4) A-B-D-C
15) Match the correct pairs in List I and List II with reference to Pheretima
List I | List II |
A) Pharyngeal nephridia | I) 14 th segment |
B) Stomach | II) 18 th segment |
C) Anterior loops | III) 9th to10th segments |
D) Male genital apertures | IV) 4 th, 5th, 6th segment |
v) 10th and 11th segments |
16) Read the following statements.
A. Nervous system consists of ganglia, commissures and connectives.
B. Sense organs include eyes, tentacle and osphradium.
C. Osphradium tests the purity of water.
D. Osphradium is absent in bivalves and gastropods.
Which of the above are true about mollusks?
1) B, C and D
2) A, C and D
3) A, B and D
4) B and C
17) Excretory organ of hemichordates is
1) Stomochord
2) Proboscis gland
3) Kidney
4) Neural gland
18) Study the following
I. Chordates are enterocoelous deute rostomes
II. Molluscans are the closest relatives to chordates
III. Nerve cord in chordates is protected by replaced part of notochord
IV. Vertebrates and craniates are called lower chordates Identify the right statements pertaining to chordates
1) I & II only
2) III only
3) I only
4) II & IV only
19) Protochordates are
1) cyclostomes, fishes
2) amphibians, aves
3) tunicates, lancelets
4) reptiles, mammals
20) Match the following about frogs.
List I | List II |
A) Spawn | 1) Mass of sperms |
B) Milt | 2) Mass of eggs |
C) Amplexus | 3) Sexual embracement |
D) Retroperitoneum | 4) Kidney |
1) A 2, B 1, C 3, D 4
2) A 1, B 2, C 4, D 3
3) A 4, B 3, C 2, D 1
4) A 3, B 2, C 1, D 4
21) Match the following regarding birds.
Column I | Column II |
A) Rhamphotheca | 1) V shaped |
B) Furcula | 2) Sternum |
C) Carina | 3) Beak covering |
D) Pygostyle | 4) Posterior caudal vertebrae |
1) A 3, B 2, C 1, D 4
2) A 4, B 1, C 2, D 3
3) A 3, B 1, C 2, D 4
4) A 2, B 3, C 4, D 1
22) Study the following about reptiles. I. Wolffian duct functions as vas deferens in males.
II. Teeth are absent in chelonians.
III. Middle ear has three ear ossicles
1) Only I and II
2) Only II and III
3) Only I and III
4) I, II, III
23) Match the following
List A | List B |
1) Plasmodium | A) Isogamy |
2) Trichonympha | B) Sporulation |
3) Monocystis | C) Conjugation |
4) Vorticella | D) Anisogamy |
5) Amoeba | E) Hologamy |
A. Pseudopodia
B. Flagella
C. Myonemes
D. Cilia
1) A & C
2) B & D
3) A & D
4) B & C
25) The most common method of asexual reproduction in protozoans which occurs during favourable contions is
1) Binary fission
2) Multiple fission
3) Budding
4) Gemmation
27) Match the following
List-I | List-II |
A. Hyperplasia | 1) Increase of body size of snails |
B. Hypertropy | 2) Increase in number of cells of host |
C. Gigantism | 3) Change in behavior of hosts |
D. Parasitic castration | 4) Increase in size of cells of host |
5) Deganeration of gonads of host |
1) A 4, B 2, C 1, D 5
4) Plasmodium
E) Gametocyte
2) A-B-D-C-E
4) A-B-D-E-C
A) Schizogony | I) Gametes |
B) Gametogony | II) Gametocytes |
C) Exflagellation | III) Sporozoites |
D) Maturation | IV) Merozoites |
E) Sporogony | V) Microgametes |
VI) Female gametes |
1) embryonated eggs with 1st stage larvae
2) embryonated eggs with 2nd stage larvae
3) 3rd stage rhabditiform larvae
4) 4th stage rhabditiform larvae
31) Haemophilus influenza infects which parts in human body
1) Hepatic lobes of liver
2) Alveoli of lungs
3) Acini of salivary glands
4) Islets of langerhans of Pancreas
32) Match the following
List-I | List-II |
A. Opiods | I.Effective sedative and pain killer |
B. Morphine | II.Nallamandu |
C. Heroin | III. Usually snorted |
D.Cocaine | IV. Smack |
V. Ganjai mokka |
B. Maxillary palp
D. Labial palp
2) Antennae
4) Maxillae
B) B-A-D-C
D) A-C-D-B
List-I | List-II |
A) Habitat | 1) Average weather condition |
B) Niche | 2) Surface features of a region |
C) Topography | 3) Functional role of an organism |
D) Climate | 4) Place in which an organism lives |
List-I | List-II |
A) Circadian rhythms | I) Specific day length which is essential for the initiation of seasonal events |
B) Circannular rhythms | II) Duration of the light hours in a day |
C) Photoperiod | III) Biological rhythms that occur in a time period of 24 house |
D) Critical Photoperiod | IV) Biological rhythm repeat annually |
The correct match is
2) Competition
4) Mutualism
2) Amensalism
4) Commensalism
2) Only II, III
4) Only II, IV
A) Decomposers are also known as saprotrophs
2) B,D
4) A,B
3) 3- 4
4) 1-2