Blood Relation Questions

1. Introducing Veena , Kowri said “She is the only daughter of my father’s only daughter”. How is Kowri related to Veena?
1) Niece
2) Sister
3) Aunt
4) Mother
5) None of these

2. Pointing toward a boy ,Arjun said , “He is the son of only son of my grandfather”.How is the boy related to to Arjun?
1) Brother
2) Uncle
3) Cousin
4) Father
5) None of these

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3. A man is said to lady , “Your mother’s husband’s sister is my aunt”. How is the lady related to to the man?
1) Mother
2) Sister
3) Daughter
4) Aunt
5) Grand daughter

4. Pointing to Kamal, Sheeba said , “ His mother’s brother is the father of my son Akilesh”. How is Kamal related to Sheeba?
1) Niece
2) Nephew
3) Aunt
4) Sister-in-law
5) None of these

Model:2 Directions (5-7) A–B means A is wife of B A÷B means A is brother of B A+B means A is daughter of B A×B means A is son of B

5. How is D related to H in the expression D+E-G×H
1) Daughter
2) Daughter in law
3) Grand daughter
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

6. In which of the following expressions D is the father of B
1) B×D÷K-I
2) I-K÷D+B
3) B÷I-D×K
4) B÷D+I-K
5) None of these

7. Which of the following symbol should come in the place of ?to make the expression J is the daughter in law of X: N+J-L?W-X
1) ÷
2) ×
3) +
4) –
5) None of these

Model: 3 Directions (8-12) There are six persons in a family A, B, C, D, E, and F. C is the sister of F. B is the brother of  E’s husband. D is the father of A and grandfather of F. there are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the group.

8. Who is the mother?
1. A
2. B
4. E

9. Who is E’s husband?
1. B
2. C
4. F

10. How any male members are there in the group?
1. Two
2. Three
3. Four
4. Five

11. How is F related to E?
1. Uncle
2. Husband
3. Son
4. Daughter

12. Which of the following is the group of brothers?
1. ABF
2. ABD
3. BFC
4. None of these

Directions (13-15) 
A – B means A is wife of B
A ÷ B means A is brother of B
A + B means A is daughter of B
A × B means A is son of B

13. How is A related to D in the given expression ? 
A + B – C × D
1) Grand son
2) Granddaughter
3) Daughter
4) Mother

14. Which of the following symbol will come in place of ? to make the expression Q is daughter-in-law of T true ? 
P + Q – R ? S – T
1) ×
2) +
3) –
4) ÷

15. In which of the following expressions N is the father of M ?
1) M × N ÷ O – P
2) N – O × P ÷ M
3) P ÷ O × M − N
4) None

A @ B means A is wife of B
A $ B means A is father of B
A # B means A is mother of B
A % B means A is son of B
A © B means A is sister of B

16. How is P related to M in the given expression: M % N © O @ P $ Q ?
1) Brother
2) Father
3) Aunt
4) Uncle

17. Which of the following expression represents D is brother of G ?
1) D @ E $ F $ G
2) D % E @ F $ G
3) G % F @ E $ D
4) None

Direction(18-22) A is the sister of B. B is married to C. C is the son of D. A is the mother of E. F is
the father of G. F has only 1 son and 1 daughter. G is the daughter of A. H is the son of B.

18. How is H related to D ?
1) Granddaughter
2) Daughter
3) Grandson
4) Son

19. How is C related to A ?
1) Brother
2) Sister
3) Uncle
4) Brother-in-law

20. How is E related to B ?
1) Uncle
2) Son
3) Niece
4) Nephew

21. P is brother of Q. R is sister of Q.S is father of R. How is Q related to S ?
1) Son
2) Daughter
3) Daughter or Son
4) Sister

22. A persons pointing to a photograph says, ‘This lady is my sister’s son’s grandmother’. How is the lady related to that person ?
1) Mother
2) Father
3) Brother
4) Sister

Direction: (23-25)
‘P – Q’ means ‘P is the sister of Q’.
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is the wife of Q’.
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is the son of Q’.
‘P + Q’ means ‘P is the mother of Q’.

23. In the expression ‘K @ H % M + B – T’, what is the relation between ‘B and K’?
1) B is the mother-in-law of K
2) K is the aunt of B
3) B is the husband of K
4) B is the sister-in-law of K
5) None of these

24. What will come in the place of question mark, if it is provided that ‘B is the daughter-in-law of K’ in the expression ‘B + P ?Z % K’?
1) @
2) –
3) +
4) %
5) @ or %

25. If ‘A&B’ stands for ‘A is the son of B’ and ‘A*B’ stands for ‘B is the sister of A’, then which of the following represents ‘A is the aunt of B’?
1) B*C&A
2) A*C&B
3) B&C*A
4) A&C*B
5) C*B&A

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