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1. The of International Indu Sharma winner Katha Samman 2012 is
1. Pradeep Advani
2. Pankaj Advani
3. Pradeep Saurabh
4. Pradeep Sahani
2. Name of Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suukyi’s political party
1. National League for Freedom
2. National Democratic League
3. National Democratic Party
4. National League for Democracy
3. Under Hindu Marriage Act, Hindu includes
1. Buddhist
2. Sikh
3. Jain
4. All the above
4. Name of the nuclear submarine which joined Indian Navy
1. INS Lagna
2. INS Veere
3. INS Chodak
4. INS Chakra
5. Arab League Summit was held during 27-29 March 2012 in the city of
1. Baghdad
2. Dubai
3. Abu Dhabi
4. Riyadh
6. Report on Training on Search and Rescue for the members of the village Disaster Management Team is prepared by
1. Govt. of Uttaranchal 
2. Govt. of Manipur
3. Govt. of Indonesia
4. Indian Red Cross
7. In 1970, in which country 50,000 people wave killed by a cyclone?
1. Indonesia
2. Bangladesh
3. Maldives
4. Phillipins
8. Tsunamis are waves generated by
1. earthquakes
2. Volcanic eruptions
3. Underwater landslides
4. All the above
9. In which year the violens explosion of the famous volcano, Krakatoa in Indonesia, produced Tsunamis measuring 40 feet.
1. 1881
2. 1882
3. 1883 
4, 1884
10. Father of Biology
1. Aristotle 
2. Darwin
3. Lamark
4. Carolus
11. Father of Medicine
1. Hippocratus
2. Galen
3. Aristotle
4. Darwin
12. Study of fruits is called
1. Pomology
2. Pedalogy
3. Anthology
4. Phology
13. Food Poisoning occurs due to
1. Clostrideam boutulium 
2. Bacillus anthresis
3. Salmonela toyphosis
4. Cloose titenis
14. The longest flower of the world
1. Lotus
2. Reflesia
3. None of the above
4. Cactus.
15. Inventor of Atomic theory
1. John Dalton
2. Rutherford
3. Madam Curie
4. Albert Einstein
16. The inventor of Radioactivity
1. Madam Curie
2. Irine Curie
3. Henry Bacquarel
4. Rutherford
17. The hardest metal of the following
1. Lead
2. Platinum
3. Gold
4. Iron
18. which one of the following metals is heaviest?
1. Silver
2. Copper
3. Gold
4. Lead
19. which of the following metals is liquid at ordinary temperature
1. Mercury 
2. Lead
3. Nickel
4. Tin
20. Largest number of computers are in
1. Germany
2. Russia
3. UK.
4. U.S.A.
21. Inventor of www
1. N. Russel
2. Bill Gates
3. Tim Burners Lee
4. Feyong
22. The Fourth BRICS Summit was held on 29-3-2012 in
1. India 
2. China
3. Russia
4. Brazil
23. Ms. Irina Bokova is ?
1. Director General, UNESCO
2. Director General, WHO
3. Director General, ILO
4. Director General, UNCTAD
24. According to 2011 Census, the rural population of India comprises
1. 66,84%
2. 68.84% 
3. 64.84
4. 62.84%
25. who received Nobel Prize for 2011 in Literature?
1. Tomas Transtromer
2. Daniel Shechtman
3. Saul Perlmutter
4. Tawakkul Karman
26. of the following, who received Padma Vibhushan, on the occasion of 2012 Republic Day?
1. KG. Subramanyan
2. Ronen Sen
3. Suresh Advani
4. Mira Nair
27. A person may be appointed as a Governor for
1. Two terms
2. One term
3. Any number of terms
4. Three terms
28. Sarkaria Commission submitted its report in
1. 1989
2. 1988
3. 1986
4. 1987
29. Chairman of First Finance Commission ofIndia
1. A Chanda
2. Y B. Chavan
3. K. Santhanam
4. K.CNiyogi
30. Editor of The Hindu” (English Daily)
1. Siddhartha Varadarajan 
2. R. Vijaya Sankar
3. Prabhu Chawla
4. A.T Jayanti
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