Aptitude Students Quiz for Competitive Exams

Aptitude Pipes and Tanks Questions and Answers - Aptitude Pipes and Tanks Tricks and Tips

Directions (Q.1-5): In each of the following number series questions a number is wrong.
You have to identify that number.

1. 202   214   238   274   320   382
3) 214
2) 382
1) 238
5) 202
4) 320
2. 8   12   19   27   40.5   60.75
2) 27
1) 40.5
3) 19
5) 60.75
4) 8
3. 16   18   38   123   508   2565
3) 508
2) 18
1) 2565
5) 123
4) 16
4. 4   10   32   155   924    6461
2) 155
3) 924
1) 32
5) 6461
4) 10
5. 156   170   192   226   280    364
3) 192
1) 280
2) 156
5) 364
4) 226
6. A, B and Center in partnership with Rs.22,100, Rs.15,300 and Rs.18,700 respectively. After eight months C withdrew his money from the business. At the end of the year if they receive Rs.14,080 as profit, find the share of A in that amount.
1) Rs 3,520
2) Rs 6,240
3) Rs 4,320
4) Rs 5,620
5) None of these

7. A trader sells an article at a profit of 30%. Had he purchased it at 10% less and sells for Rs.352 less he would have gained 20%.
Find the Cost Price of the article.

1) Rs.1,500
2) Rs.1,200
3) Rs 1,600
4) Rs.1,950
5) None of these
8. In an examination it is required to get 40% of the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 142 marks and is declared failed by 18 marks. What are the maximum aggregate marks a student can get?
1) 480
2) 600
3) 400
4) Cannot be determined
5) one of these
9. Two numbers are in the ratio of 11 13. lf 12 is subtracted from each, the remainders are in the ratio of 7 9. What is the First number?
1) 39
2) 33
3) 11
4) 24
5) None of these
10. A sells a house to B at a profit of 12%. B sells it to C at a loss of 10% and C sells it to D for Rs.21,44,520 making a profit of 15%. What did the house cost A?
1) Rs.25,00,000
2) Rs.30,00,000
3) Rs.35,00,000
4) Rs 20,00,000
5) None of these
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