Reasoning Quiz for SSC / RRB & Other Competitive Exams

1. Select the related words/letters/ numbers from the given alternatives.?

2. Choose the word which is different from the rest.
1) Ostrich
2) Eagle
3) Kiwi
4) Emu
3.D : 256 :: F : ?
1) 216
2) 1296
3) 240
4) 260

4.In the following question, there is a certain relationship between the numbers in the given set. Another set is to be found from the given alternatives which also bears the same relationship.
Given set (3, 7, 15)
1) 2, 6, 10
2) 4, 8, 18
3) 4, 9, 19
4) 7, 12, 19
5.In the following question, there is a certain relationship between the pair of numbers. Another number is given. Find out from the given alternatives the number which bears the same relationship with the given number as that of the given pair of numbers.
248 : 3 :: 328 : ?
1) 7
2) 5
3) 4
4) 6

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6.In a certain code language, “will you study hard” is written as “japdap kap pap”, “I will work hard”is written as “nap kap sap jap”and “study and work” is written as “rap pap sap”. How is “I” written in that code language?
1) jap
2) nap
3) pap
4) rap
7. Dheeraj, whose rank is 17thin the class of 60 students, is ahead of Rana by 8 ranks. There are 7 persons between Rana and Ratan. What is Ratan’s rank in a class of60 students?
1) 33
2) 36
3) 24
4) 26
8. A man walks towards South and covers 10 km distance. Again he turns to his right and

walks 15 km, after which he turns to his right and walks 10 km. What is the shortest distance from his starting point to end point?
A) 35 km
B) 12 km
C) 10 km 
D) 15 km

9. There are five books A, B, C, D and E. Book C lies above D. Book E is below A. D is
above A and B is below E. Which book is at the bottom?
A) E
B) B 
C) A
D) C 

10. Select the related word / letters / number from the given alternatives.
Miser : Generous : : ?
A) Poor : Loyal
B) Pauper : Prince
C) Saint : Holy
D) Coward : Brave

11. Select the related word / letters / number from the given alternatives.
AFKP : HMRW : : DINS : ?

12. Select the related word / letters / number from the given alternatives.
11 : 1210 : : ?
A) 6 : 216
B) 7 : 1029
C) 8 : 448 
D) 9 : 729

13. Select the related word / letters / number from the given alternatives.
Computer : Fqprxvht : : Language : ?
A) Oxpixding
B) Ocqicying
C) Ocqixcjg 

D) Ocqixcig

14. In a row of boys, if A who is tenth from the left and B who is ninth from the right interchange their positions, A becomes fifteenth from the left. How many boys are there in the row?
1) 23
2) 25
3) 27
4) one of these

15. Arrange the given words in a logical sequence
A. police
B. punishment
C. crime
D. Justice
E. Judgement
l) C, D, A, B, E
2) E, B, A, D, C
3) C, A, D, E, B
4) None of these
16.  Find the Odd one Out ?
1) Salary
2) Insurance
3) Provident Fund
4) Shares
17. Find the Odd one Out ?
1) New York
2) Paris
3) London
4) Tokyo

18. A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
1) b, c, d, e
2) b, d, c, e
3) b, c, e, d
4) d, b, c, e
19. Study the given numerical and answer the following questions.
4 5 3 6 4 6 7 3 6 5 4 2 3 4 5 3 6 42 3 5 7 8 3 6 7 3 2 1 2 2 5 3 6 5 67 3 6 7 3 6 4 1 2 5 4 3 6
3.How many 5’s are either followed or preceded by 3?
1) 3
2) 4
3) 5
4) 6

20. In a certain code language “ROAST” is written as “PQYUR”. How would “SLOPPY” be
written in that code language?

21. Ramu left home and cycled 10 km towards South, then turned right and cycled 5 km and then again turned right and cycled 10 km. After this he turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kilometers will he have to cycle to reach his home straight?
1) 25 km
2) 200 km
3) 15 km
4) 10 km
22. When seen through a mirror, a clock shows 8:30. The correct time is…
1) 2:30
2) 3:30
3) 4:30
4) 5:30
23. Bismillah khan : Shahnai  :: Zakir Husain  : ?
1) Flute
2) Tabla
3) Sitar
4) Sarod.
24. A and his grandfather differ in their ages by 50 years. After 6 years, if sum of their ages is 152, their present ages are…
1) 40, 90
2) 45, 95
3) 50, 90
4) None
25. Select the related words/letters/ numbers from the given alternatives.?
25 : 125 : 36
1) 206
2) 190
3) 216
4) 248
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