FCI Recruitment Assistant Grade II – Important Questions and Answers

1. A true fruit is developed from
(1) Only thalamus
(2) Only nucellus
(3) Only ovary
(4) Only ovule
2. Family of carrot is
(1) Solanaceae
(2) Umbelliferae
(3) Apiaceae
(4) cruciforae
3. Serious damage due to shoot and fruit borer is in
(1) Okra
(2) Brinjal
(3) Chillies
(4) Turnip
4. Botanically itachi fruit is a
(1) Nut
(2) Pome
(3) Drupe
(4) Berry
5. Mode of nutrition in paramecium is:
(1) Holozoic
(2) Holophytic
(3) Saprozoic
(4) Saprophytic
6. In which order of mammal, hair is not found:
(1) Primate
(2) Cetacea
(3) Roden
(4) Chiroptera
7. The main enzyme present in gastric juice is:
(1) Nuclease
(2) Lipase
(3) Amylase
(4) Pepsin
8. Which is mismatched:
(1) Lepidoptera — Butterfly
(2) Hemiptera — Termite
(3) Coleoptera –Beetle
(4) Apterygota — Lepisma
9. Which of following is not warm blooded animal:
(1) Snake
(2) Rat
(3) Bulbul
(4) Kangaroo
10. osculum is found in:
(1) Hydra
(2) Sponge
(3) Tape worm
(4) Leech
11. Which of the following does not possess red blood:
(1) Earth worm
(2) Snake
(3) Fish
(4) Cockroach

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12. The edible part of coconut is:
(1) Epicarp
(2) Mesocarp
(3) Endosperm
(4) Endocarp
13. Which of these has thickest wall?
(1) Left ventricle
(2) Left auricle
(3) Right ventricle
(4) Right auricle
14. Which set of genus and common name is correctly matched?
(1) Anledon-sea —  anemone
(2) phrynosoma — Horned toad
(3) Apteryx —  Ostrich
(4) Alytes —  Salamander
15. Intercalated discs are found in:
(1) Cardiac muscles
(2) skeletal muscles
(3) smooth muscles
(4) All muscles
16. Which is not found in birds?
(1) Cardiac muscles
(2) Preen glands
(3) Urinary bladder
(4) Heterocoelous vertebrae
17. Which nephridia of earthworm is exonephric?
(1) Integumentary
(2) Pharyngeal
(3) Septal
(4) None of the above
18. Flagellated larva of Leucosolenia is called:
(1) Planula
(2) Amphiblastula
(3) Parenchy mula
(4) Cercaria
19. Which of the following is without contractile vacuole?
(1) Entamoeba
(2) Trypanosoma
(3) Leishmania
(4) All of these

20. Juvenile hormone or neotenin is secreted by:
(1) Corpora allata
(2) Corpora cardiaca
(3) Prothoracic gland
(4) Neurosecretory cells
21. Ligament is a tissue which connects:
(1) Muscle to bone
(2) Bone to bone
(3) Skin to muscle
(4) None of these
22. Which of these vitamin is necessary for blood clotting?
(1) Vitamin A
(2) Vitamin C
(3) Vitamin E
(4) Vitamin K
23. Form of zinc adsorbed by plants is:
(1) zn+
(2) Zn++
(3) Zn+++
(4) None of These
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