CTET / TET Child Development and Pedagogy Solved Question Paper

1) How is the teacher benefitted by the study of Educational Psychology ?
(A) Increases his content knowledge
(B) Gets social status
(C) Develops judgement and thinking power
(D) Develops the power to understand the education
2) What is called an objective type of question ?
(A) Question which measures a specific objective of learning
(B) Question which measures specific topic
(C) Question which has only one specific answer
(D) Question which measures more than one objectives of learning
3) Which test is mainly used for class promotion ?
(A) Achievement test
(B) Aptitude test
(C) Application test
(D) Oral test
4) Who classified instructional objectives ?
(A) Bloom
(B) Guilford
(C) Galton
(D) Piaget
5) A teacher conducted a mathematics test with ten items and applied it on the pupils of the same class at different times and found that marks scroed by each pupil remain almost constant. What does this indicate about the characteristic of the test ?
(A) Validity
(B) Reliability
(C) Usability
(D) Objectivity
6) Which of the following is regulated in mastery learning ?
(A) Teaching time
(B) Teaching content
(C) Minimum level of learning
(D) Objectives of learning
7) The test conducted at the time of teaching belongs to what type of evaluation ?
(A) Formative
(B) Summative
(C) Placement
(D) Diagnostic
8) The I. Q. of a child is 100 and his mental  age  is 6 years.  To which class should  the  child  be admitted ?
(A) Pre-primary
(B) Child-care centre
(C) Class-one
(D) Class-two
9) An individual responded to a particualr stimulus differently at different times.  To which of the following does it indicate ?
(A) Inter-individual difference
(B) Time-stimulus difference
(C) Intra-personal difference
(D) None of the above
10) If a question measures the same objective of learning for which it is constructed, then it indicates which characteristic of the test ?
(A) Reliability
(B) Objectivity
(C) Validity
(D) Usability
11) What stage of growth and development is called as the ‘period of stress and strain’ ?
(A) Childhood
(B) Late-childhood
(C) Adolescence
(D) Adulthood
12) The intellectual development of a child takes place mainly in four stages — who propounded this theory ?
(A) Skinner
(B) Piaget
(C) Kohlberg
(D) Rickson
13) Which of the following should an ideal teacher emphasize ?
(A) Objective-based teaching
(B) Activity-based teaching
(C) Pupil-centred teaching
(D) All of the above
14) Which order is correct in the preparation of a standardised test ?
(A) Selection of topic – Identification of objectives – Blue print preparation – Writing the questions
(B) Selection of topic – Blue print preparation – Identification of objectives – Writing the questions
(C) Preparation of Blue print – Identification of objectives – Selection of topic – Writing the questions
(D) Identification of objectives – Blue print preparation – Writing the questions Analysis of questions
15) Which of the followings is mainly used to study the punctuality of the pupils at the primary schools ?
(A) Check-list
(B) Interview
(C) Rating scale
(D) Questionnaire
16) Which of the following data is collected for individual case-study ?
(A) Relation with friends
(B) Relation with neighbours
(C) Relation with classmates
(D) All of the above
17) Which of the following Process indicates learning ?
(A) Process of behavioural changes
(B) Process of qualitative development
(C) Process of practice
(D) All of the above
18) What is the role of motivation in learning ?
(A) It makes the behaviour goal directed
(B) It makes  the behaviour systematic
(C) It activates the learners behaviour
(D) All of the above
19) A teacher asked the students about the uses of paper. A child gave 10 to 15 examples of the practical use of paper.  This indicates what type of thought process ?
(A) Divergent
(B) Convergent
(C) Controlled
(D) Imaginary
20) Which one of the following statement is not applicable for development ?
(A) Development is a life long process
(B) Physical maturity is development
(C) Development is qualitative as well as quantitative
(D) Development is individual centred
21) What step should be taken for education of under achievers ?
(A) Separate class-room
(B) Separate curriculum
(C) Special teaching method
(D) All of the above
22)  “Hit the Iron when it is hot” — on which law of learning is it based ?
(A) Law of Readiness
(B) Law of Exercise
(C) Law of Effect
(D) None of the above
23) Which sequence is correct from the point of view of teaching method ?
(A) Presentation of the topic — Explanation — Testing of previous knowledge — Evaluation
(B) Presentation of the topic — Introduction — Testing of previous knowledge — Evaluation
(C) Testing of previous knowledge — Presentation of the topic — Presentation of new knowledge — Evaluation
(D) Presentation of the topic — Presentation of  new knowledge — Evaluation — Explanation
24) What should a teacher do for the intellectual development of gifted pupils ?
(A) Ask inquisitive questions
(B) Opportunity for divergent thinking
(C) Ask analytical and application type of questions
(D) All of the above
25) Which of the following is not used in formative evaluation ?
(A) Home work
(B) Rating scale
(C) Questionnaire
(D) Unit test
26) In an activity based teaching  ——— ?
(A) learners remain active
(B) learning becomes pleasant
(C) learning becomes purposefully
(D) All of the above
27) Who for the first time prepared two parallel tests for the measurement of intelligence ?
(A) Binet and Simon
(B) Binet and Terman
(C) Terman and Merril
(D) Binet and Merril
28) Which one of the following is not a projected aid ?
(A) Map
(B) Film
(C) Flannel Board
(D) Still picture
29) Which one of the following statements is not applicable for child-centred education ?
(A) Importance is given on achieving learning skills by the pupils
(B) Teacher works as facilitator of learning
(C) Importance is given on the presence of the pupil in the class-room
(D) Importance is given on allround development of the pupil
30) Who experimented with a cat to establish his learning theory ?
(A) Pavlov
(B) Thorndike
(C) Skinner
(D) Kohler
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