One Word Substitutes – English Grammar

One Word Substitutes

1. A person who looks at the bright side of life…..Optimist
2. A person who loves mankind…..Philanthropist
3. A person believes in the existence of god……Theist
4. A person who sells flowers……Florist
5. A person who compiles dictionaries……Lexicographer
6. A person who studies the evolution of mankind……Anthropologist
7. A person who is new to any profession……Novice
8. A person who runs from law / justice……Fugitive
9. A person who acts against religion……Heretic (use ‘an’ before it)
10. A person who is over enthusiastic about religious matters……Fanatic/bigot
11. A person appointed to settle disputes between two parties……Arbitrator
12. A person who collects stamps as a hobby……Philatelist
13. A person who knows several languages well……Linguist
14. A person who speaks many languages……Polyglot
15. A person who hates womankind……Misogynist
16. A person who hates marriage……Misogamist
17. A person who loves others selflessly……Altruist
18. A person who lends money at unfairly high interest……Usurer
19. A person who is unable to repay his debts……Insolvent/Bankrupt
20. A person who does not take any alcoholic drinks……Teetotaller
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