– Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka (9000 BC to 7000 BC) The earliest records of the Indian history exist in the form of the Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka. These shelters are situated on the southern edge of the central Indian pla eau, in the foothills of the Vin dhyan Mountains. There are five groups of rock shelters, each of them adorned with paintings that are believed to date from the Mesolithic Period right through to the historical period.
– Mehrgarh Culture (7000 BC to 3300 BC) Mehrgarh is one of the most significant sites belonging to the Neolithic Age. At the same time, it is one of the oldest sites that indicate the introduction of the concept of farming and herding. Situa ted on the Kachi plain of Baluchistan (Pakistan), it lies to the west of the Indus River valley. The site of Mehrgarh, spread over an area of 495-acre, was discovered in the year 1974.
– Indus Valley Civilization (3300 BC to 1700 BC) The Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in the 1920s. The major eve nts in the timeline of the Indus Valley are given below:
-Early Harappan Phase (3300 BC to 2600 BC) The early Harappan Phase lasted for approximately 700 years, starting with the Ravi Phase. It is one of the three earliest urban civilizations and made use of an early form of the Indus script, known as Harappan script, for writing purposes. Around 2800 BC, the Kot Diji phase of the Indus Valley Civiliza tion started.
– Mature Harappan Phase (2600 BC to 1700 BC) The Mature Harappan Phase started around 2600 BC. Large cities and urban areas started emerging and the civilization expanded to over 2,500 cities and settlements.
– Vedic Period/Age (1700 BC to 500 BC) The Vedic Period or the Vedic Age refers to the time of the compilation of the sacred Vedic Sanskrit texts in India. The Vedic Period can be divided into the following two phases:
– Early Vedic/Rig Vedic Period (1700 BC to 1000 BC) Early Vedic Period represents the time period when the Rig Veda was compiled. During this period, the king was believed to be the protector of the people, who took an active part in the government. The major eve nts of this time are
1700 BC – Late Harappan and Early Vedic period coincide
1300 BC – The end of Cemetery culture
1000 BC – Iron Age of India
Later Vedic Age (1000 BC to 500 BC) The emergence of the later Vedic period was marked with agriculture be coming the dominant economic activity and a decline in the significance of cattle rearing. The major events are:
– 600 BC- The formation of Sixteen Maha Janapadas (Great Kingdoms)
– 599 BC – The birth of Mahavira, founder of Jainism
– 563 BC – The birth of Siddhartha Gau tama (Buddha), founder of Buddhism
-538 BC – Cyrus the Great conquered parts of Pakistan
– 500 BC – Earliest written records in Brahmi
– 500 BC – Panini standardized grammar and morphology of Sanskrit, converting it into Classical Sanskrit. With this, the Vedic Civilization came to an end
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