1) Communical Approach
2) Collaborative Approach
3) Structural Approach
4) Electic Approach
2. One of the features of Reflective teaching is _____
1) Predicting
2) Clarifying
3) Summarizing
4) Gathering new evidences
3. Computer Assisted Language Learning programmes employ _____.
1) Communicative method
2) Grammar-translation method
3) Direct method
4) Trilingual method
4. An approach has a_____.
1) a method behind it
2) Learning principle behind it.
3) Some language patterns behind it.
4) a technique behind it.
5. The function-based and task-centered approach is the_____.
1) Structural approach
2) S-O-S approach
3) Communicative approach
4) Situational approach
6. B.F. Skinner, an educationist, felt sad and said, our kitchens are more mechanized than our classrooms’ because_____.
1) Some teachers get their learners to prepare teaching learning materials.
2) Teachers buy the teaching learning materials form the local market.
3) Most teachers use only the course books in the classrooms while teaching.
4) Most teachers use a large number of teaching-learning materials.
7. To remedy spelling errors made by pupils, or to prevent them from making spelling errors, the teacher should_____.
1) get pupils to learn them by heart every word.
2) get pupils to write each word ten times.
3) have lists of English words hung on the class room walls.
4) help them read books other than their books.
8. Which one of the following is not a technique?
1) Writing a lesson plan
2) Oral presentation by the teacher.
3) Reading the lesson by the teacher.
4) Oral drills.
9. Identify the correct statement.
1) We can have some approaches under a method.
2) There can be some methods based on a certain approach.
3) There can be some approaches under a technique.
4) We cannot have some methods under some approach.
10. Language labs are particularly good for_____.
1) listening to sounds and drilling them.
2) listening to sounds
3) learning word stress
4) practicing communication in artificial situations
11. Arrange the following levels of learners according to their categories in ascending order.
1. Advanced
2. beginner
3. elementary
4. Intermediate
1) 2, 3, 4, 1
2) 1,2,3,4
3) 4,3,2,1
4) 1,4,3,2
12. A study of grammar improves_____.
1) Accuracy
2) Fluency
3) Literacy
4) Articulation
13. Language games are useful _____.
1) teaching aids in teaching English
2) teaching techniques to teach English
3) tools for learners assessment
4) methods to teach English
14. The method adopted in writing present day school textbooks is
1) text followed by functional and communicative activities
2) text followed by comprehension exercises
3) text followed by grammar and vocabulary
4) text followed by structures and vocabulary
15. The following method presents grammar through the study of rules
1) Audio-lingual Method
2) Grammar Translation Method
3) Bilingual Method
4) Reading Method
16. Micro teaching_____.
1) does not give any scope for feedback
2) improves the efficiency of a teacher
3) makes teaching situation very complex
4) is planned for 45 minutes of teaching
17. The principle involved in Deductive Method is_____.
1) specific example to generalization of rule
2) generic example to generalization of rule
3) generalized rule to specific example
4) specific example to special rule
18. Read the following statements. The correct statement is_____
. 1) Group method of reading brings in indiscipline.
2) Role pay is difficult to administer in the classroom.
3) Audio-lingual method does not consider language skills
4) Information gap activities promote language used in real-life situations.
19. Practical devices used by the teacher in the classroom are called_____.
1) Exercises
2) Approaches
3) Methods
4) Techniques
20. Direct Method does not believe in_____.
1) exposure to language through situations
2) examples followed by rules
3) association of ideas and objects
4) teaching through translation
21. Reading Method is propounded by_____.
1) C J Dodson
2) Michael West
3) Harold Palmer
4) C C Fries
22. Small-group talk among children, and undertaking activities that nurture the abilities to compare and contrast, to wonder and remember, to guess and challenge, to judge and evaluate will facilitate this:
1) Effective language learning in a stress free environment
2) Effective reading in a stressful environment
3) Effective reading in a stress free environment
4) Ineffective language learning in a stress free environment
23. In Direct Method, the following is not found_____.
1) Grammar is taught indirectly
2) Concepts are taught by means of objects or by natural contexts
3) Oral training helps in reading and writing
4) Translation
24. In the communicative language teaching context, mistakes are __
1) Completely ignored
2) Completely corrected
3) Noted and addressed as a group later
4) Noted but never addressed
25. Bangalore Project was undertaken by_____.
1) West Bengal Government
2) N. S. Prabhu
4) British Council
26. COST stands for_____.
1) Communication Oriented Situational Teaching
2) Communication Oriented Structural Teaching
3) Communication Oral Situational Teaching
4) Communicative Oriented Situational Teaching
27. _____ employs association of ideas and objects or concepts ‘experience with expressions’.
1) Reading Method
2) Bilingual Method
3) Direct Method
4) Grammar Translation Method
28. ______ establishes a relation between theory and practice.
1) Approach
2) Method
3) Technique
4) All
29. A method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material. Within one
approach there can be_____.
1) two methods
2) four methods
3) many methods
4) six methods
30. Grammar translation method does not:
1) give importance to grammar
2) encourage learning through mother tongue
3) help learn English grammar
4) enhance the learner’s communicative skills immediately
31. The grammar translation method dominated the field of teaching and learning during this period
1) 1840 to 1940
2) 1990 to 2005
3) 1840 to 1841
4) 1950 to 2000
32. The three levels of conceptualization identified by Edward Anthony are :
1) Approach, method and technique
2) Approach, philosophy and technique
3) Principle, approach and method
4) Philosophy, principle and approach
33. Grammar translation method lays stress on :
1) accuracy
2) similarity
3) listening skills
4) hand writing
34. The objective of the Direct method is:
1) to develop personality
2) to develop a command over the target language
3) to develop health
4) to increase the power of comprehension
35. The following method stresses on the spoken language.
1) The Translation method
2) The Reading method
3) The Direct method
4) The Communicative method
36. (CLT) Communicative Language Teaching believes that
1) Language learning happens best when the atmosphere is relaxed and learner receives encouragement
2) Language learning happens when the atmosphere is rule based
3) Language learning happens best when the teacher dominates the class while teaching.
4) Language learning happens when reading is given top priority.
37. Along with ‘translation’ what is the predominant feature of ‘Translation method ?
1) Comprehension
2) Comparison
3) Grammar
4) Explanation
38. What are the given statements associated with –
ยป It is not re-teaching
ยป It is highly specific and need based
ยป It has more practice than theory
ยป At the end there is always a test and the achievement is expected to the very high
1) Micro teaching
2) Reflective teaching
3) Remedial teaching
4) Practice teaching
39. In ________ Mother Tongue is totally banned
1) Grammar Translation Method
2) Direct Method
3) Bilingual Method
4)Reading Method
40. Language learning is a natural process in ________ approach.
1) Structural
2) Oral
3) Communicative
4) Eclectic
1) 2 2) 4 3) 3 4) 3 5) 3
6) 3 7) 4 8) 1 9) 2 10) 4
11) 1 12) 1 13) 2 14) 1 15) 2
16) 2 17) 3 18) 4 19) 4 20) 4
21) 2 22) 1 23) 4 24) 3 25) 2
26) 2 27) 2 28) 1 29) 3 30) 4
31) 1 32) 1 33) 1 34) 2 35) 3
36) 1 37) 3 38) 3 39) 2 40) 3
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