Botany Questions for Gurukul Teachers Exam

1. Stillt roots arising from the basal nodes of plants like maize and sugar cane are also called as
1) Pillar roots
2) Plank roots
3) Fibrous roots
4) Brace roots

2. Haustoria produced by Striga are connected to
1) Only Pholoem of the host
2) Only xylem of the host
3) Both xylem and phloem of the host
4) Neither xylem nor phloem of the host

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3. Modified axillary buds help in climbing in
2) Dioscorea
3) Agave
4) Grapevine

4. Fleshy photosynthetic structures of Euphorbia are
1) Modified petioles
2) Modified secondary rachii
3) Modified roots
4) Modified stems

5. Phylloclades are needle like in
1) Casuarina
2) Euphorbia
3) Opuntia
4) Ruscus

7. An example for storage fibrous roots and cladophylls is
1) Asparagus
2) Casuarina
3) Diascorea
4) Bougainvillia

8. Phylloclades are fleshy in

1) Asparagus and Opuntia
2) Opuntia and Euphorbia
3) Euphorbia and Casuarina
4) Casuarina and Asparagus

9. Underground stems of the following spread to new niches and form new plants when the older parts die

1) Strawberry
2) Grasses
3) Agave
4) 1 & 2

10. Suckers are found in

1) Nerium and Jasmine
2) Banana and Pineapple
3) Pistia and Nerium
4) Jasmine and Musa

11. Pulvinous leaf base is commonly found in the leaves of

1) Xerophytes
2) Grasses
3) Legumes
4) Monocots

12. Type of phyllotaxy in Alstonia

1) Alternate
2) Opposite ducussate
3) Opposite superposed
4) Whorled

13. Alternate phyllotaxy is found in

1) China-rose
2) Mustard
3) Sunflower
4) All

14. Fleshy flattend phylloclades with bunch of spines at nodes are found in

1) Opuntia
2) Euphorbia
3) Casuarina
4) Bryophyllum

15. Terminal leaflets are modified into tendrils in

1) Pisum
2) Bean
3) Punpkin
4) Allium

16. Modified petiole of Australian acacia helps in
1) Transpiration
2) Secretion
3) Photosynthesis
4) Respiration

17. Sessile unisexual and neuter flowers are arranged acorpetally in the inflorescence of

1) Achyranthes
 2) Tridax
3) Colocasia
4) Cassia

18. A sunflower plant produces

1) unisexual flowers only
2) Bisexual flowers only
3) Unisexual and neuter flowers
4) Unisexual and bisexual flowers

19. Spathe of Cocos is

1) unmodified bract
2) Modified bracteole
3) Modified bract
4) Modified peduncle

20. Raceme inflorescence is found in

1) Cassia and cauliflower
2) Crotalaria and Mango
3) Musa and Colocasia
4) Carrot and Cassia

21. An inflorescenes with pedicellate achla mydeous flowers

1) Hypanthodium
2) Cyathium
3) Verticellaster
4) Spadix

22. A special type of inflorescence which begins an dichasial cyme and ends in mono chasial cyme is found in

1) Lamiaceae
3) Moraceae

23. Gall flowers of Ficus are

1) Sterile male
2) Sterile female
3) Sterile bisexual
4) Fertile female

24. Identify the Incorrect match

1) Hypogynous – Brinjal
2) Perigynous – Peach
3) Epigynous – Guava
4) Actinomorphic – Gulmohur

25. Identify the correct match

1) Brinjal – epipetalous
2) Lily – epiphyllous
3) Salvia – stamens on different lengths in the same flower
4) All the above

26. Placentation in pea is

1) Marginal
2) Axile
3) Superficial
4) Parietal

27. Apocarpous condition is found in

1) Mustard
2) Rose
3) Lemon
4) Tomato

28. Placentation in Dianthus is

1) Axile
2) Free central
3) Marginal
4) Parietal

29. Edible part in Pyrus malus

1) Pedicel
2) Peduncle
3) Thalamus
4) True fruit

30. In the drupe of Cocos, the hard and stony part is

1) Epicarp
2) Seed coat
3) Endocarp
4) Mesocarp

31. Match the following

1) Assimilatory roots     A) Cuscuta
2) Nodular roots             B) Radish
3) Fusiform tap root       C) Taeniophyllum
4) Complete parasite      D) Ground nut with wiry stem
1 2 3 4
1) C D B A
2) C A B D
3) D A B C
4) C D A B

32. Match the following

1) Nepenthes          A) Palmate compound leaf
2) Bryophyllum     B) Adventitious buds on leaf
3) Pea                     C) Phyllode
4) Bombax             D) Pinnate compound leaf with tendrils
1 2 3 4
1) C B D A
2) D B A C
3) C B A D
4) B A C D

33. Match the following

1) Naked flower                     A)Jasmine
2) Fleshy peduncle                B) Ficus
3) False whorl around           C) Euphorbia
4) Three flowers cymose       D) Lamiaceae inflorescence
1 2 3 4
1) B C A D
2) C B D A
3) C D A B
4) D A D C

34. Match the following

A) Hypogynous flower with         1) China rose funnel shaped corolla
B) Epigynous flower with             2) Cassia tubular corolla
C) Corymb with zygomorphic     3) Disc florests flowers
D) Hypogynous flower with         4) Datura monadelphous stamens
1) 4 1 3 2
2) 3 1 2 4
3) 4 3 2 1
4) 2 3 4 1

35. Match the following

A) Hesperidium    1) Pappus
B) Pome                 2) Seed coat and fruit wall fused
C) Caryopsis         3) Epicarp with volatile oil glands
D) Cypsela            4) Cartilagenous
1) 4 2 1 3
2) 3 4 1 2
3) 3 1 2 4
4) 3 4 2 1

36. In Calotropis

a) A pair of leaf lets develop at each node
b) A pair lf leaves develop at each node
c) Aestivation in perianth is valvate
d) A pair of thorns develop at each node correct statements are
1) a, c
2) b, c
3) c, d
4) a, d

37. The characters related to Nerium

a) Vegetative propagation by stolons
b) Polychasial cyme
c) Whorled phyllotaxy
1) a, b
2) a, c
3) b, c
4) a, b, c

38. The rhizome of Zingiber is associated with

a) Perennation
b) Vegetative Propagation
c) Storage
1) a, b, c
2) b & c only
3) a, b only
4) a and c only

39. Read the following statements

a) Bulb is a modified aerial vegetative bud
b) Bulbils are modified floral buds in Dioscorea
c) Leaves develops from shoot apical meristem
d) Leaves are modified into scales or spines in plants having phylloclades
The correct statements are
1) a and d
2) c and d
3) b and d
4) b and c

40. Read the following statements

a) Peduncle is unbranched in Hamelia
b) Arrangement of male flowers in cyathium is monochasial
c) A flower of Canna cannot be divided into two similar halves by any vertial palne passing through the centre
The correct statements are
1) a and c
2) b and c
3) a and b
4) a, b and c

Botany Questions for Gurukul Teachers Exam

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