Current Affairs

Kadapa Govt.College for Men Commerce 6th Sem March 2017 Question Paper

Code: 8206
B.Com Sixth Semester Examinations March/April 2017
PART- II: Commerce
E-Commerce – ll
Time: 3 Hrs                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 75
Part A
1.Answer any five of the following. Each question carries 3 marks(5×3=15 Marks)
a) Smart Card.
b) E-payments.
c) Explain Internet application of 4 Ps.
d) What is Web-based Marketing.
e) Sales order.
f) Explain Indirect Income and Indirect Expenses
g) Explain Assets and Liabilities.
h) Tally package.

Part B
Answer any four questions, Each question carries 15 marks(4×15 =60 Marks)
2. Explain different types of Electronic Payment System.
3. What is Risk? Explain risks in E-Payment System.
4. Explain Marketing and Information Technology.
5. Explain the advantages of On-line marketing.
6. What is a voucher?Explain Types of vouchers.
7. Write an essay on Ledgers.
8. Describe the creation of company in Tally.
9. Describe the Primary Accounting Groups in Tally.

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