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M.Pharmacy Old Question Papers

M Pharm II nd Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations, August 2014


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Time: 3 hours                                                                                                Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Describe the anatomy of cell membrane.
(b) Write a detailed note on mechanisms of transport across cell membranes
2. (a) classify permeation enhancers, Describe their mechanisms
(b) Write a note on Payers patches in Gm and their role in drug absorption
(c) What is the role of Lymphatic transport in the bioavailability of drugs Give the mechanisms
3. (a) Describe the clinical applications of nucleic acid based drug delivery systems.
(b) write a note on gene therapy and potential target diseases for gene therapy
4 (a) write a note on current gene therapy of thalassaemia and hemophilia B
(b) Explain in brief human genome project
(c) Define genomics, proteomics, pharmaco genomics and bio-informatics,
5. (a) Describe in detail engineered protein techniques
(b) write a note on stability problems of protein drug delivery system and approaches of stabilization.
6. (a) Explain the designing rationale and requirements of an efficient vaccine delivery system.
(b) write a note on the preformulation studies and problems in formulation of vaccine drug delivery system.
7 (a) what are the challenges in the development of brain targeted delivery system.
(b) write a note on role of adhesion molecules in the drug targeting with suitable examples
(c) Distinguish between active and passive targeting.
8 (a) Describe the principle involved in formulation of liposomes. Give it’s applications in drug delivery (by classify micro particulate drug delivery systems Write a note on magnetic microspheres
(c) Enlist different polymers used in formulation of micro or nano particulate systems

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