Current Affairs

Environment Quiz

1) According to IUCN Red List , what is the status of Red Panda(Ailurus fulgens)?
1) Critically endangered
2) Endangered species
3) Vulnerable species
4) Extinct species

2) Which is mainly responsible for extinction of wildlife?
1) Hunting for flesh
2) Destruction of habitats
3) Pollution of air &water
4) All the above

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3) Which of the following is not a cause for loss of biodiversity?
1) Destruction of habitat
2) Invasion by alien species
3) Keeping animals in zoological parks
4)Over-exploitation of natural resources

4) Match the animals given in columns A with their location in column B
     Column A                          Column B
a) Dodo                                 1) Africa
b) Quagga                             2) Russia
c) Thylacine                          3) Mauritius
d) Stellar’s sea cow                4) Australia
Choose the correct match from the following
1) a-1,c- 2,b-3,d- 4
2) d-1,c- 2,a-3,b- 4
3) c-1,a- 2,b-3,d- 4
4) c-1,a- 2,d-3,b- 4

5) What is common to the following plants: Nepenthes, Psilotum, Rauwolfia & Aconitum?
1) All are ornamental plants
2) All are phylogenic link species
3) All are prone to over exploitation
4) All are exclusively present in the Eastern Himalayas

6) The reason why should we conserve biodiversity, includes
1) Narrowly utilitarian
2) Broadly utilitarian
3) Ethical
4) All of the above

7) Read the following statements and find out the incorrect statement
1) More than 25 percent of the drugs currently sold in the marked worldwide are derived from plants
2) 25,000 species of plants contribute to traditional medicines used by native peoples around the world
3) Amazon rain forest is estimated to produce 25 percent of the total oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere,
through photosynthesis
4) The act of pollination comes under the broadly utilitarian

8) Bioprospecting is related to
1) Narrowly utilitarian
2) Broadly utilitarian
3) Ethical
4) All of the above

9) We need to realize that every species has an intrinsic value, even if it may not be of current or any economic value to us. We have a moral duty to care for their well being and pass on our biological legacy in good order to future generations This argument is related to
1) Narrowly utilitarian
2) Broadly utilitarian
3) Ethical
4) All of the above

10) Match the columns I, II and choose the correct combination from the options given
     Column I                    Column II
Conservation technique Number in India
a) Hotspots                       1) 34
b) National parks              2) 90
c) Wildlife sanctuaries       3) 14
d) Biosphere reserves        4) 448
                                         5) 3
1) a-1,b- 2,c-3,d- 4
2) a-1,b- 2,d-3,c- 4,
3) e-1,c- 2,b-3,d- 4
4) e-1,b- 2,d-3,c- 4

11) When there are situations where an animal or plant is endangered or threatened and needs urgent measures to save it from extinction , which is the desirable approach?
1) In situ (on site) conservation
2) Ex site (off site) conservation
3) In vivo conservation
4) In vitro conservation

12) In many cultures, tracts of forest were set aside , and all the trees and wildlife within were venerated and given total protection. These regions are called
1) Biodiversity hotspots
2) Wildlife sanctuaries
3) Wildlife safari parks
4) Sacred groves

13) Which of the following are in situ conservation methods?
a. Biosphere reserves
b. Hot spots
c. National parks
d.Sacred groves
e. Wildlife sanctuaries
1) a,b & c
2) a,c &e
3) a,b,c &e
4) a,b,c ,d & e

14) Threatened animals and plants are taken out from their natural habitat and placed in special setting where they can be protected and given special care, comes under
1) In situ (on site) conservation
2) Ex site (off site) conservation
3) In vivo conservation
4) In vitro conservation

15) The objective of Ramsar Convention was
1) Forest conservation
2) Wildlife conservation
3) Wetland conservation
4) Biodiversity conservation

16) Find the wrongly matched pair
1) Endemism- Species confined to one region and not found anywhere else
2) Alien species to India- Clarias gariepinus
3) Lungs of the planet- Amazon rain forest
4) In situ conservation IVF

17) Which one of the following is not a characteristic feature of biodiversity hot spots?
1) Large number of species
2) Abundance of endemic species
3) Large number of exotic species
4) Destruction of habitat

18) Match the columns I & II and choose the correct combination from the options given
    Column I                                              Column II
Sacred groves Region
a) Khasi & jaintia Hills                         1) Madhya pradesh
b) Aravalli Hills                                   2) Meghalaya
c) Western Ghat regions                        3) Rajasthan
d) Sarguja, Chanda &Bastar areas          4) Karnataka and maharashtra
1) a-2,b- 3,c-4,d-1
2) a-3,b- 1,c-2,d-4
3) a-2,b- 3,c-1,d-4
4) a-3,b- 2,c-4,d-1

19) Siberian Crane is a regular visitor of bird sanctuary
2) Bharatpur (Rajasthan)
3) Vedanthgol (T.N)
4) Lalbagh (Karnataka)

20) Hot spots of biodiversity are areas with
1) Little biodiversity
2) Maximum biodiversity
3) Maximum conservation
4) Both 1 &3

21) (A): According to rivet popper hypothesis, loss of rivets on the wings is obviously a more serious threat to flight safety than loss of a few rivets on the seats or windows inside the plane
(R): Which rivet is removed from the airplane may also be critical
1) If both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of the A
2) If both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the A
3) If A is true , but R is false
4) If both A & R are false

22) Which pair of geographical area shows maximum diversity in our country?
1) Sunderbans & Rann of Kutch
2) Eastern Ghat & Western Ghats
3) Eastern Himalayas &Western Ghats
4) Kerala & Punjab

23) Choose the wrongly matched pair
1) World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002- Johannesberg
2) Carrot Grass- Lantana
3) Wildlife Safari Parks- EX situconservation
4) Amazon Rain forest  Lungs of Planet

24) The historic convention on Biological Diversity held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 is known as
1) CITES Convention
2) The Earth Summit
3) G-16 Summit
4) MAB Programme

25) What is common to the techniques:
i) In vitro fertilization
ii) Cryo preservation and
iii) Tissue culture
1) All are in situ conservation methods
2) All are ex situ conservation methods
3) All require ultramodern equipment and large space
4) All are methods of conservation of extinct organisms

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