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AIPMT Previous Paper

1) Which one of the following is wrong about Chara ?
1) Upper oogonium and lower round antheridium
2) Globule & nucule present on the same plant
3) Upper antheridium & lower oogonium
4) Globule is male reproductive structure

2) Which one of the following statements is correct ?
1) The seed in grasses is not endospermic
2) Mango is a parthenocarpic fruit
3) A proteinaceous aleurone layer is present in maize grain
4) A sterile pistil is called a staminode

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3) Geitonogamy involves?
1) Fertilization of a flower by the pollen from another flower of the same plant
2) Fertilization of a flower by the pollen from the same flower
3) Fertilization of a flower by the pollen from a flower of another plant in the same population
4) Fertilization of a flower by the pollen from a flower of another plant belonging to a distant  population

4) Pollen tablets are available in the market for?
1) In vitro Fertilization
2) Breeding programs
3) Supplementing food
4) Ex situ conservation

5) Function of filiform apparatus is to?
1) Recognize the suitable pollen at stigma
2) Stimulate division of generative cell
3) Produce nectar
4) Guide the entry of pollen tube

6) Non-albuminous seeds is produced in?
1) Maize
2) Castor
3) Wheat
4) Pea

7) Which one of the following is wrongly matched ?
1) Transcription- Writing information from DNA to tRNA
2) Translation- Using information in mRNA to make protein
3) Repressor protein- Binds to operator, to stop enzyme synthesis
4) Operon-Structural genes, operator & promoter

8) Transformation was discovered by?
1) Meselson & Stahl
2) Hershey & Chase
3) Griffith
4) Watson & Crick

9) Fruit colour in squash is an example of?
1) Recessive epitasis
2) Dominant epistasis
3) Complementary genes
4) Inhibitory genes

10) The first human hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology is?
1) Insulin
2) Estrogen
3) Thyroxin
4) Progesterone

11) An analysis of chromosomal DNA using the Southern hybridization technique does not use?
1) Electrophoresis
2) Blotting
3) Autoradiography
4) PCR

12) In vitro clonal propagation in plants is characterized by?
2) Northern blotting
3) Electrophoresis & HPLC
4) Microscopy

13) Which vector can clone only a small fragment of DNA?
1) Bacterial artificial chromosome
2) Yeast artificial chromosome
3) Plasmid
4) Cosmid

14) An example of ex-situ conservation is?
1) National park
2) Seed bank
3) Wildlife sanctuary
4) Sacred grove

15) Match the following and select the correct option:
      Column I                           Column II
a) Earthworm                      i) Pioneer species
b) Succession                      ii) Detritivore
c) Ecosystem service           iii) Natality
d) Population growth         iv) Pollination
a b c d
1) i ii iii iv
2) iv i iii ii
3) iii Ii iv i
4) ii i Iv iii

16) A species facing extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future is called?
1) Vulnerable
2) Endemic
3) Critically endangered
4) Exitinct

17) The zone of atmosphere in which the ozone layer is present is called?
1) Ionosphere
2) Mesosphere
3) stratosphere
4) Troposphere

18) The organization which publishes the Red List of species is ?
4) WWF

19) The shared terminal duct of the reproductive and urinary system in the human male is ?
1) Urethra
2) Ureter
3) Vas deferens
4) Vasa efferentia

20) The main function of mammalian corpusluteum is to produce?
1) Estrogen only
2) Progesterone
3) Human chorionic gonadotropin
4) Relaxin only

21) Select the correct option describing gonadotropin activity in a normal pregnant female:
1) High level of FSH & LH stimulates the thickening of endometrium
2) High level of FSH & LH facilitates the implantation of the embryo
3) High level of hCG stimulates the synthesis of estrogen & progesterone
4) High level of hCG stimulates the thickening of endometrium

22) Tubectomy is a method of sterilization in which?
1) small part of the fallopian tube is removed or tied up
2) Ovaries are removed surgically
3) Small part of vas deferens is removed or tied up
4) Uterus is removed surgically

23) Which of the following is a hormone releasing intra-uterine device ( IUD)?
1) Multiload 375
2) LNG-20
3) Cervical cap
4) Vault

24) Assisted reproductive technology, IVF involves transfer of ?
1) Ovum into the fallopian tube
2) Zygote into fallopian tube
3) Zygote into the uterus
4) Embryo with 16 blastomeres into the fallopian tube

25) A man whose father was colour blind marries a woman who had a colour blind mother and normal father. What percentage of male children of this couple will be colour blind ?
1) 25 %
2) 0%
3) 50%
4) 75%

26) In a population of 1000 individuals , 360 belong to genotype AA, 480 to Aa, and the remaining 160 to aa. Based on this data, the frequency of allele A in the population is?
1) 0.4
2) 0.5
3) 0.6
4) 0.7

27) A human female with Turnerโ€™s syndrome
1) Has 45 chromosomes with XO
2) Has one additional X chromosome
3) Exhibits male characters
4) Is able to produce children with normal husband

28) Commonly used vectors for human genome sequencing are?
1) T-DNA
2) BAC & YAC
3) Expression vectors
4) T/A cloning vectors

29) Forelimbs of cat and lizard used in walking; forelimbs of whale used in swimming; and forelimbs of bats used in flying are examples of ?
1) Analogous organs
2) Adaptive radiation
3) Homologous organs
4) Convergent evolution

30) Which one of the following are analogous structures ?
1) Wings of bat and wings of pigeon
2) Gills of prawn & lungs of man
3) Thorns of Bougainvillea & tendrils of Cucurbita
4) Flippers of dolphin & legs of horse

31) At which stage of HIV infection does one usually show symptoms of AIDS ?
1) Within 15 days of sexual contact with an infected person
2) When the infected retro virus enters host cells
3) When HIV damages large number of helper T-lymphocytes
4) When the viral DNA is produced by reverse transcriptase

32) What gases are produced in anaerobic sludge digesters ?
1) Methane & CO2 only
2) Methane, hydrogen sulfide & CO2
3) Methane hydrogen sulfide & Co2
4) Hydrogen sulfide & CO2

33) Just as a person moving from Delhi to Shimla to escape the heat for the duration of hot summer, thousands of migratory birds from Siberia and other extremely cold northern regions move to 
1) Western Ghat
2) Meghalaya
3) Corbett National Park
4) Keoladeo national Park

34) A scrubber in the exhaust of a chemical industrial plant removes
1) Gases like sulfur dioxide
2) Particulate matter of the size 5ยตm or above
3) Gases like ozone and methane
4) Particulate matter of the size 2.5ยตm or less

35) If 20 J of energy is trapped at producer level , then how much energy will be available to peacock as food in the following chain?
Plant– > Mice — > Snake — > Peacock
1) 0.02J
2) 0.002J
3) 0.2j
4) 0.0002 J

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