1. The 2002-07 ExIM policy has fixed the growth rate target at
1. 6%
2. 10%
3. 8%
4. 7%
2. The Ninetieth Indian National Science Congress was held at
1. Chandigarh
2. Bangalore
3. New Delh
4. Lucknow
3. The first of the Indian Railway Board is
1. Vijayalakshmi Viswanathan
2. Stella Kiran
3. Anuradha Srinivas
4. Aruna Tejpal
4. ‘Operation Vijay’ is associated with
1. Polio eradication
2. The Kargil war
3. The tea industry
4. Cricket
5. The number of products deleted from the list of small scale Industries by the Central Government is
1. 51
2. 34
3. 63
4. 28
6. The Supreme Court of India has imposed a ban on cutting of trees in
1. Himachal Pradesh
2. Sikkim
3. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
4. Assam
7. Complete the series 2, 7, 12, 22………….
1. 37
2. 27
4. 7
8. The book RAJA TARANGANI was written by
1. Al-Beruni
2. Kalidas
3. Kalhan
4. Rajasekhar
9. in which year was the Asiatic society of Bengal formed?
1. 1901
2. 1682
3. 1784
4 .1848
10. Name of the military system of Mughals.
1. Jagindari system
2. Jardari system
3. Mansabdari system
4. Taluk dari system
11. The first lady Sultan of Delhi was
1. Chand Bibi
2. Razia Sultana
3. Mumtar Mahal
4. Nur e Jahan
12. The successor of Shivaji was
1. Sivaji 2
2. Rajaram
3. Sambaji
4. Shahu
13. Razia Sultana died in war with her husband named
1. Yakut
2. Kabir Khan
3. Altunia
4. None of the above
14. Author of TIRUKKURAL is
1. Tolkapiyara
2. Adigal
3. Thiruvallur
4. Kamban
15. Vatsayana in his Kamasutra mentions
1. 36 Arts
2. 64 Arts
3.72 Arts
4.24 Arts
16. Aryabhatta was a great scholar of the
1. Gupta age
2. Mauryan age
3. None of the above
4. Harsha age
17. Founder of Vikramasila University was
1. Devapatla
2. Dharmapala
3. Madanpala
4. Narayanapala
18. Mahabhasya -the most outstanding work in Grammar is written by
1. Bhavabhooti
2. Kalhana
3. Patanjali
4. Harsha
19. Harappa Civilization was discovered in
1. 1964 – 65
2. 1920 – 21
3. 1910-11.
4. 1900 – 02
20. Harappan civilization is referred as a
1. Gold age civilization
2. Iron age civilization
3. Copper age eivilization
4. Bronge age civilization
21. Veda means
1. God
2. None of the above
3. Worship
4. Knowledge
22. Kanishka was a follower of
1. Hinduism
2. Jainism
3. Buddhism
4. All of the above
23. If 3/16 of a tank is filled in 15 minutes, the rest of the tank can be filled in
1. 60 minutes
2. 55 minutes
3. 70 minutes
4. 65 minutes
24. Find the odd one out
1. Charcoal
2. Graphite
3. Gold
4. Diamond
25. A person goes 4 kilometers South, then 8km West, then 6km North, then 8km East and then 2 km South. How far is he from his starting point?
1. 8 km
2. 10 km
3. 12 km
4. 28 km
26. Introducing a woman, a man said, “Her husband is the only son of my mother”. How is the woman related to that man?
1. Sister-in-law
2. Aunt
3. Sister
4. Wife
27. ‘All birds are balck’ and ‘No black is white’. If both the statements are true, then which of the following will be true?
1. All black are birds
2. All white is black
3. Some birds are not black
4. No bird is white
28. In a class, Rama is 9th from the top and 25th from the bottom. How many students are there in that class?
1. 34
2. 33
3. 35
4. 28
29. Identify the pair which shows the same relationship as of Pyramid-Mummy”
1. Red Fort Delhi
2. Books Library
3. Refrigerator Food
4. Idols Temples
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