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Personnel Administration – UPSC Civils IAS Main Examination Topic wise Comprehensive Material

Chapter -9 

Personnel Administration Administration

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Importance of human resource development; Recruitment; training, career advancement, position classification; discipline, performance appraisal, promotion, pay and service conditions; employer- employee relations, grievance redressal mechanism; Code of conduct; Administrative Ethics

Importance of human resource development
1. “To talk ofadministrative modernization and still continue with the conventional practice of public personnel administration is a gross incongruity.” offer suggestions to initiate radical reforms in Human Resource Management of publicadministrative systems. (2008/60)
2. “Public Personnel Administration is concerned with a number of functions.” Elaborate. Why are PROCUREMENT and DEVELOPMENT functions important? (1998/60)
3. “It is said that the generalist rationale was part of a revealed truth. Allofus should have known better, for in a world of increasing scientific and technical complexity, it has compelling inadequacies.” Discuss (1996/60)
4. “Beit an occupation or a profession, Public Personnel has certainly developed a series of sub specialists and techniques that, over the years, have combined to produce an organisational subsystem that must be staffed by experts ifit is to meet the standards set by Public Personnel Administration.” Explain (1995/60)
5. “The administrator is a layman rather than a specialist or at least he has about him something ofthe
qualities of a layman.” Comment. (1994/20)

1. Recruitment is the backbone ofPublic Administration. Explain. (2004/20)
2. Differentiate between the open and closed career systems. Do you favour the coexistence of both the systems for a balanced career development? (1992/60)
3. “Government has been slow in using modern methods for discovering executive talent.’ Examine the validity of the statement with reference to recruitment to higher civil service in India, USA and France. (1990/60)

1. Distinguish fully between the syndicate method, role playing method, and T- Group training method in personnel management. (2010/40)
2. “Training has proved its incapacity to change the attitudes, behaviour and values of civil servants. Do you agree with this statement? (2008/20)
3 “Training is essential not only for efficiency and effectiveness but also for broadening the vision of the employees,” Substantiate (2007/20)
4. “Training is practical education in any profession, not only to improve skills but also to develop attitudes and scheme of values necessary for effective performance.” Elaborate. (2003/20)

Career advancement
1. What opportunities are available to All India Services and state services in career development? Do you agree that days ofgeneralists in modern administrative state are numbered? (2000/60)

Position classification
1. As originally conceived is sound in terms of its operational characteristics, but complicated and unresponsive in practice. Why is still considered better than other models of civil service classification (2009/60)
2. “If positions are the raw material of classification class is the operating unit.” Discuss. (2005/20)
3. “”The Generalist willalways have an edge over the specialist.” Substantiate the view (999/30)

Discipline, performance appraisal
1. Why do public organisations evaluate employees performance? How can performance evaluation systems affect employees behaviour? How can administration effectively evaluate employees (2005/60)
2. What techniques the Government of India have employed to evaluate (appraise) the performance of senior level employees, ie classland class II Are you satisfied with these techniques?(2001/60)
3. Public Agencies have used a number of sources and procedures for measuring Performance. Comment (1996/20)

Promotion, Pay and service Conditions
1.  Discuss in this connection
the case for and against promotion based on seniority.(2010/40)
2. “The widening gap in emoluments of government employees versus the public sector corporations and private sector employees has a strong bearing on the motivation and ability to work.” Comment (2007/60)

Employer employee relations
1. Analyse the constitutional, political and operational dimensions of employers employee relations What are your suggestions to bring about a satisfactory relationship between them? (2002/60)
2. whitleyism represents a typical British response to Trade Unionism by public servants. Comment (1987/20)

1. what respects, the powers of proposed institution of Lok Palin the Billalready introduced in Indian Parliament, will strengthen the institution as compared to Parliamentary Commissioner of
UK? (2001 /60)
2. Professional standards, ethics, philosophy, attitudes and ideology of public service are the means to promote accountability of Public Administration. Explain how career and no-Career Public Service is

Code of Conduct (Anonymity and Neutrality)
1. civil service neutrality is a thing of the past ,. Discus (2004/20)
2. “The doctrine of political neutrality and anonymity is no more relevant to .modern civil service.” Comment. (2002/20)
3. How far is it true to state that for a developing democracy the concept of civil service neutrality is
outdated instead there is aneed fora civil service with professional competence and commitment?
4. “Committed bureaucracy is unsuitable in a Parliamentary democracy: Comment. (1996/20)
5. Public interest demands the maintenance of political in partiality in the civil services.”Comment.(1990 /20)

Administrative ethics
1. Briefly discuss the principles of ensuring ethics in public service as recommended in the Nolan committee Report (1994) (2010/20)
2. The administrator needs autonomy and discretion in much the same way as the politician needs control and intervention Discuss. (2004/20)
3. Account for the increasing corruption in Administration. Suggest remedies to curb administrative corruption. (2003/60)
4. “The civil servants must not forget that he is the servant, not the master of the community and that the official competenceneed not, andshould notinvolvethe loss ofhumantouch.’ Examine. (1991/30)

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