Current Affairs

Indian Economy and Polity Bits for APPSC Groups

1. Bhudan movement succeeded in which State?
A) West Bengal
B) Kerala
C) Goa
D) Bihar

2. Who is authorized to comment on the Constitution?
A) The President
B) Parliament
C) the Supreme Court
D) the Supreme Court, High Court

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3. What kind of a question mark in the constellation Parliament should answer?
A) a written answer
B) oral answer
C) does not respond
D) a discussion of the answer

4. start against parliamentary affairs?
A) the adjournment motion
B) Question Time
C) Zero Hour
D) resolution of attentional

5. What process is used to edit the policy of the Presidential election?
A) a simple majority of Parliament method
B) a special majority of Parliament method
C) a special majority of Parliament method, a simple majority of more than half of the assembly method
D) all wrong

6. The Andhra Pradesh “inam” have had to cancel the law?
A) 1955
B) 1967
C) 1961
D) 1970

7. The Commission recommended in 1990 by the Inter-State Council, which was set up?
A) sarkariya Commission
B) the Commission rajmanar
C) Ashok Mehta Committee
D) none

8. Who is the  father of the Indian judiciary?
A) Sir Elijah impe
B) Warren Hastings
C) Cuarón Wallis
D) Lord Mayo

9. Thomas Monroe when the Raithwari policy was introduced?
1) 1808
2) 1793
3) 1807
4) 1805

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