Environmental Science Quiz – APPSC Group 4 Quiz

1. Plants ate green because of the presence of a pigment called
1. Glucose
2. Nitrogen
3. Chlorophyll
4. Oxygen

2. Air is composed of gases water vapours and
1. Dust particles
2. Rainfall
3. Snowfall
4. Light

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3. Medicine of quinine is provided by
1. Eucalyptus plant
2. Aconite plant
3. Cinchona plant
4. Money plant

4. Chief source of energy in environment is
1. Fire
2. Moon
3. Stars
4. Sun

5. When trees are cut. amount of oxygen?
1. Decreases
2. Increases
3. Both (1) and 2)
4. Remains sane

6. Process through which plants reproduce
1. Eating
2. Evaporation
3. Pollination
4. Condensation

7. 71% of earth surface is covered with
1. Land
2. Air
3. Water
4. Coal

8. A natural phenomenon that becomes harmful due to pollution is
1. Global warming
2. Ecological balance
3. Greenhouse effect
4. Desertification

9. One of the following is not the primary material for the production of biodiesel ?
1. Soyabean Oil
2. Canola oil
3. Jatropha
4. Diesel

10. Ex situ conservation can be done by the establishment of
1. Gene banks
2. Biosphere
3. Sanctuaries
4. Reserve forests

11. The phenomenon of loss of habitat in installments, dividing the habitat is into small and scattered patches is known as
1. Poaching
2. Conservation
3 Habitat fragmentation
4. Habitat endangering

12. The major center of biodiversity in the western ghats is the
1. Amambalam reserve
2. Kote Chamaraja nagar belt
3. Royal Chitwan National Park
4, Ranthambore National Park

13. The stretch of Indian forests having rich biodiversity of plants is about
1. 64.01 million hectares
2 74.08 million hectares
3. 100 million hectares
4. 56.88 million hectares

14. People from far and wide spend a lot of time and money to visit wilderness areas where they can enjoy the aestlletle value of biodiversity known as
1. Option value
2 Ecotourism
3. Ethical value
4. Consumption

15. The areas with the richest and most threatened reservoirs of plant and ariilnallife on earth
1. Biodiversity centers
2. Conservation centers
3. Hot spots
4. National Parks

16. The most productive wetlands without trees, typically dominated by relatively tall emergent species of angiosperm plants and floating leaved plants are
1. Swamps
2. Mangroves
3. Estuaries
4. Marshes

17. are the acidic, unproductive wetlands that develop in relatively cool but wet climates and are typically dominated by species of moss
1. Swamps
2. Bogs
3. Marshes
4. Mangroves

18. The forested wetlands, seasonally or permanently flooded and dominated by trees
1. Swamps
2. Bogs
3. Marshes
4. Mangroves

19. The study of physical, chemical and biological properties of fresh water is referred to as
1. Ecology
2. Limnology
3. Paleontology
4. Geology

20. The zone is a contine / Ital shelf extending outward to its edge to a water depth of about 200m
1. Benthic
2. Pelagic
3. Neritic
4. Littoral

21. The region where, the photosynthesis most commonly occurs and therefore contains the largest biodiversity in the ocean
1. Photic zone
2. Aphotic zone
3. Neri tic zone
4. Littoral zone

22. The anticancer drugs vinblaatin and vincristine are obtained from the plant
1. Piper betel
2. Catharanthus Roseus
3. Andrographis paniculata
4. Digitalis purpurea

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