Current Affairs

Administrative Theory UPSC IAS Mains


Chapter 1- Introduction

Meaning, scope and significance of Public Administration; Wilson’s vision of Public Administration; Eolution of the discipline and its present status: New Public Administration; Public Choice Approach; Challenges of liberalization, Privatisation, Globalisation; Good Governance: Concept and application New Public Management.
Meaning, scope and significance of Public Administration

1.The study of administration should startfrom the base of management rather than the foundation of law.” Explain. (2010/20)
2. “Public and Private Administrations are two species of the same genus but they also have special values and techniques of their own “Comment (2007/20)
3. “If public administration isto play a major legitimising role in governing our complex society, it needs to be more fully conceptualised Discuss. (2006/20)
4 “Though there are certain points of similarity between public and private administration yet no private organisation can ever be exactly the same as a public one.” Examine. (2002/20)
5.  Publicness” of Public Administration in an ideal democratic government remains the ultimate value in theory and practice.” Elucidate. (2001/20)
6. “A science of administraiion would beabody of formal statements describing invariant relationships between measurable objects, units, or elements. Unquestionably, administrative research has produced definite precepts and hypotheses that are applicable to concrete situation.” (Fritz Morstein  Marx) Comment (2000/20)
7. What do you understand by the term under administration? hat are the issues involved in it?” (1999/30)
8. “As long as the study of public administration is not comparative claim for a ‘science of public administration sounds ratherhollow.”Explain. (1998/30)
9 “The scope of administration is determined by the scope of government functions which is decided politically.”Comment. (1998/20)
10. “In the science of administration, whether public or private, the basic good is efficiency. “Comment (1997/20)
11. How far is it true to state that the bureaucratic state began to displace the administrative state; when the predominant function of the government changed from regulation to operation of business?(1996/60)
12. “The scope of Public Administration is ever expanding.”Comment. (1996/20)
13. A theory of public politics also. Comment. (1995/20)
14. The postwar formulations of white and Pfiffner reflect the new “public policy” orientation the conception of administration as a political process , Comment (1994/20)
15. How does Public administration differ in the developed and developing societies? How far can it modernise the traditional political culture developing countries? (1993/60)
16. Waldo speaks of the fears of F.M. Marx that Public administration has grown so broad, and so much is involved at its periphery that it stands Indanger of disappearing completely as a recognizable focus of study.” Comment (1993/20)
17. “The identity and scope ofPublic Administration both as an academic discipline and government in operation, have always been matters ofcontinuing debate and controversy. Discuss (1991/30)
18. Public Administration consists of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfilment or enforcement of Public Policy. Comment. (1991/20)
19. The development, ifnot survival ofcivilisation depends on the science and practice of administration. Comment. (1990/20
20. “Popular belief is at ownership change from public to private brings a improved performance. Comment. (1991/20)
21. Management of the flow of work upward &downward within human hierarchies and between human hierarchies is the art of administration (Appleby).Comment. (1989/20)
22. Do you think that contemporary Administrative Theory supports the ‘art’ of public administration and generally tends to place less emphasis on the science of public administration?(1988/60)
Wilson’s vision of Public Administration
1. “The field of Public Administration is a field of business,” (Woodrow Wilson). (2009/20)
2 “Calling Woodrow Wilson, the father of Public Administration is doing injustice to equally or even more eminent contributions made prior to him.” Comment. (2008/20)
3, “Administrative questions are not political questions.” Discuss (2005/20)
Evolution of the discipline and its present status
1. From Woodrow Wilson to Herbert Simon most writers on administration have taken the achievement of efficiency as the central objective. Justify the statement with references to the work of major writers. (2009/60)
2. Give an account of major landmarks in the growth of the discipline of Public Administration in the 20th century. What are the possible trends in its growth in the first decade of 21stcentury? (2003/60)
“The advent of the concept of rollback of the state” since the nineteen has been altering the roleof Public Administration but certainly not diminishing its central place
in human society. Discuss (2003/20)
4. Describe the evolution of the discipline of public administration with special emphasis on post-1970 developments. (2002/60)
5.  The paradigms of public administration may be understood in terms of locus and focus.”-Golembiewski. In the light the above statement describe the “five-paradigms” of Nicholas Henry about the evolution of the iscipline of public administration. (2000/60)
6. Examine the growth of the discipline of Public Administration as a response to the developing
capitalistic system in the U.S.A (1999/60)
7. Most of the propositions that make up the body of administrative theory today share, unfortunately, this defect of proverbs Comment (1994/20)
New Public Administration
1. “New Public Managementis dead; long live digital era of governance.” Comment (2010/20)
2 “New Public Administration is a revolution or radicalism in words, and best) status-quo in skills or technologies.” (2009/20)
3. Minnowbrook Conference in USA iden-tified four features crucial to “new public administration’. Explain. (2001/20)
4. “The themes developed at 1988 Minnowbrook conference (20 years after the first conference) largely focus on the current and future visions in the field of public administration.” Elucidate. (1998/30)
5. New Public Administrationist are likely to be forthright advocates for social equity and would doubtless seek a supporting clientele. Comment. (1995/20)
6. Explicate the theoretical premises of New Public Administration and show how far their concerns were accommodated in Public Administration. (1994/60)
Explicate the theoretical premises of New Public Administration’ and show how far their concerns
were accommodated in Public Administration (1994/60)
7. The essence of New Public Administration is ‘some sort of movement in the direction of normative theory, philosophy, social concern and activism.” (Waldo). Comment. (1989/20)
8. “Deductive-nomological and inductive- probabilistic approaches dominate new public administration.” (Marini) Discuss. (1987/60)
Public Choice Approach
1. “Public Administration today stands atthe crossroads ofpublic choice theory, pluralism, corporatism
and elitism . Discuss (1989/60).
Challenges of liberalization, Privatisation, Globalisation
1. “Public Undertakings have received a raw deal in the wake of liberalism and privatization. Comment. (1999/20)
Good Governance ::  Concept and Application
1. “Not merely governance but good governance is the key factor in achieving the United Nations Millennium Goals (2000).”Explain. (2010/20)
2. Democracy and good governance are contradictions in terms Discuss with examples. (2004/60)
3. Elaborate the World Bank’s concept of Good Governance. (1999/30)
New Public Management
1. It is said that “the ofpublic administration, developed over a century, with a tradition of
perspective  management of public institutions and services has received a jolt from the novel
of New Public Management”. Bring out the core values, approaches and a public administration and show how the New Public Management has attempted to change or retain them, and to what extent. (2009/60)
2. “In the last two decades, almost all countries of the world have experienced transformations in their administrative systems “Explainthis phenomenon with examples from the developed and the developing nations in the context ofNew Public Management Movement. (2008/60)
3, “The “New Public Management’ (NPM) is an incarnation of a new model of public sector management in response of the challengesofliberalization, international competitiveness and technological changes. Explain. (2003/20)

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