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Identifying and Understanding the Role of Leydig Cells in Men

Identifying and Understanding the Role of Leydig Cells in Men

Researchers are identifying molecules that affect Leydig cell development to better understand hormone-based therapies for men and infertility related to environmental toxicant exposure.

The Issue
Leydig cells produce steroids, notably the androgens testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). important hormones involved in male fertility. Low levels of testosterone can result in male infertility. Throughout a man’s life, testosterone levels may decline as a result of aging. Low testosterone can also be seen in adolescent boys experiencing interrupted puberty (hypogonadism). Characterizing these cells may provide new insights into physiological methods to help restore testosterone production, promote healthy sexual development, provide reversible contraception, and protect a man’s fertility Environmental contaminants and xenoestrogens such as the phthalate diethylhexylphthalate (DEHP) and bisphenol. A (BPA) are ubiquitous chemical substances that are added to plastics for increased flexibility, transparency durability, and longevity in a wide variety of medical devices, dental sealants, food packaging, toys, and many everyday household applications. Preclinical studies in rodents indicate that DEHP may suppress the biosynthesis of testosterone in fetuses, resulting in de-masculinization. BPA is believed to disrupt the function of the endocrine system in animals and humans. Council researchers are investigating the effect of these compounds on the function of Leydig cells, the production of androgens and ultimately on spermatogenesis (sperm production)

The Progress
Earlier Council research established a basic understanding of the physiological development of Leydig cells in rats and confirmed how the cells synthesize androgens. The effects of DEHP and BPA on the function of these cells were studied to determine whether:
  • •√ The of these chemicals depend on the stage of Leydi ell development at exposure;
  • •√ DEHP- and BPA related effects that occur early in development persist into adulth

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Understanding the basic processes of reproduction- even in early stages of pre-clinical research may provide important contribution that influence future drug development. Researchers developed experimental methods for isolating Leydig stem cells in the testes of young rats. The goal is to isolate and treat Leydig cells in a way that increases steroid levels (steroidogenic capacity), which helps regulate sperm production. After this process is finished, the cells are transplanted back into tally manipulated rodent testes that are devoid of
experiment endogenous Leydig cells.
Additional research has indicated that the ects of DEHP are influenced by  development at exposure, inducing changes in androgen activity and hormone levels. An analysis on the effect of BPA showed that this agent may affect reproductive activity at very low levels of exposure by suppressing pituitary and/or Leydig cell function. Consistent exposure to DEHP chemicals also:
  • •√ Increased gonadotropin stimulation, which decreased the steroid function of Leydig cells; and
  • •√ Caused abnormalities in the cell division process that supported increased cell division (mitosis) and an abnormal increase the number of cells

The Impact
Understanding the basic biology and physiology of dig cells provides a deeper understanding of the essential androgen support for male fertility and may reveal causes of Leydig cell resulting in hormone-based infertility. New basic biological and physiological formation forthcoming on stem, progenitor, and mature Leydig cells and will better inform the development of hormone-based male contraceptives and suggest new therapies for hypogonadal abnormalities. And if successful, the process of isolating and enhancing Leydig stem cells could offer a physiological method of androgen replacement as a therapeutic intervention for low testosterone. are ongoing Understanding the effects of toxic chemicals on fertility may also identify new testicular regulators that could be investigated further for contraceptive development.

•√ Animal Reproduction
Animal reproductive System Testes

between seminiferous tubules or spermatogenic cysts consists chiefly of connective tissue, blood and lymphatic vessels, and nerves, it is more abundant in some vertebrates than in others. Glandular Leydig (interstitial) cells are also present in most, if not a
Vertebrates. Thought to be primary source of androgens, or male hormones, Leydig cells are not always readily distinguishable.

Male Reproductive System
Human reproductive system:
The testes The male sex hormone testosterone is produced by Leydig cells. These cells are located in the connective (interstitial) tissue that holds the tubules together within each lobule. The tissue becomes markedly active at puberty under the influence of the
interstitial-cell stimulating hormone of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, this hormone in women is called luteinizing hormone…

Production of Androgens
Androgen: Production

In males the interstitial cells of Leydig, iocated in the connective tissue surrounding the sperm-producing tubules of the testes, are responsible for the production and secretion of testosterone
In male animals that breed only seasonally, such as migratory birds and sheep. Leydig cells are prevalent in the testes during the breeding  season  but  diminish considerably  in number during the…

Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer Types of testicular cancer ….
of these tumours secrete alpha fetoprotein or hum
chorionic gonadotropin (HCG, a hormone with an  properties similar to luteinizing hormone). HCG, if secreted in sufficient quantities, stimulates the Leydig cells (interstitial cells of the testes) to produce increased quantities of testosterone and estradiol (the main form of estrogen) Excess testosterone has little effect in adult men, but…

Structure of Testis
Testis : Anatomy of the testes

The testes contain germ cells that differentiate into mature spermatozoa, supporting cells called Sertoli cells, and testosterone-producing called Leydig interstitial) cells The germ cells migrate to the fetal cells  testes from the embryonic yolk sac. The Sertoli ells, which are interspersed between the germinal epithelial cells within the seminiferous tubules, are analogous to the granulosia.

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