Directions (Q. No. 1 – 8): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Eight persons from different banks, viz. Andhra Bank, HSBC, AxisBank, OBC, Canara Bank, Vijaya Bank, SBI and ICICI are sitting in twoparallel rows containing four personseach, in such a way that there is anequal distance between adjacent pe-rsons. In row 1, J, K, Land M are sitting and all of them are facing north.In row 2, A, B, C and D are sitting and all of them are facing south. Therefore, in the given seating arrangem-ent each member sitting in a row faces another member of the other row. (All the information given above doesnot necessarily represent the order of seating as in the final arrangement)
❏The person from Canara Bank faces the one who is on the immediate left of L. Lis neither from HSBC nor from Axis Bank.
❏An immediate neighbour of Afa-ces the person from Andhra Ba-nk. The person from Vijaya Bankfaces the person who is on the left of the person from HSBC.
❏There is only one person sittingbetween the persons from HSBCand SBI but that person is not J.The persons from HSBC and Axis Bank are not sitting at the extreme ends.
❏B sits on the immediate left ofthe person from Canara Bank. Persons from OBC and Vijaya Bank are immediate neighbours. C and K are not sitting at any of the ends.
❏M faces the one who is sitting onthe immediate right of the person from Vijaya Bank. Axis not from Vijaya Bank or OBC.
1.Who amongst the following is from ICICI?
1) A
2) L
3) B
4) M
5) Can’t be determined
1) A
2) L
3) B
4) M
5) Can’t be determined
2.Which of the following statements is false regarding M?
1) M is from SBI
2) M is sitting at one of the extreme ends
3) M is on the immediate left of the person who is from axis bank
4) M is sitting opposite the person from Vijaya Bank
5) All are true
1) M is from SBI
2) M is sitting at one of the extreme ends
3) M is on the immediate left of the person who is from axis bank
4) M is sitting opposite the person from Vijaya Bank
5) All are true
3.Four of the following five are ali-ke in a certain way based on thegiven seating arrangement andthus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) C
2) J
3) A
4) K
5) M
1) C
2) J
3) A
4) K
5) M
4. Lis from which of the following banks?
1) SBI
2) Andhra Bank
3) OBC
4) Vijaya Bank
5) None of these
1) SBI
2) Andhra Bank
3) OBC
4) Vijaya Bank
5) None of these
5.Who is sitting between D and the person from Canara Bank?
1) The person who is from Axis Bank
2) B
3) M
4) The person who faces the one who is from Axis Bank
5) None of these
1) The person who is from Axis Bank
2) B
3) M
4) The person who faces the one who is from Axis Bank
5) None of these
6.D is related to HSBC in the sameway as K is related to ICICI bas-ed on the given arrangement. Who amongst the following is L related to, following the same pattern?
1) SBI
2) Vijaya Bank
3) Canara Bank
4) OBC
5) None of these
1) SBI
2) Vijaya Bank
3) Canara Bank
4) OBC
5) None of these
7.Who amongst the following faces the one from Vijaya Bank?
1)The person who is from HSBC
3) M
5)The person who is from ICICI
1)The person who is from HSBC
3) M
5)The person who is from ICICI
8.Who amongst the following sit on extreme ends of the rows?
1) B and the person from axis bank
2) The persons from SBI and Canara Bank
3) The persons from Andhra Bank and Vijaya Bank
4) M and the person from ICICI
5) D and J
1) B and the person from axis bank
2) The persons from SBI and Canara Bank
3) The persons from Andhra Bank and Vijaya Bank
4) M and the person from ICICI
5) D and J
Directions (Q. No. 1 – 5): Study the information and answer thefollowing questions:In a certain code language- “workhas no waste” is written as “kat lat hotgat”, “intelligent and creative work”is written as, “mot tat pat kat”, “wasteis energy loss” is written as, “zit latnet kit”, “intelligent work is creative”is written as, “zit mot kat tat”.
1.What is the code for “waste” inthe given code language?
1) gat
2) mot
3) pat
5) lat
1) gat
2) mot
3) pat
5) lat
2.What is the code for “creative”in the given code language?
1)Only tat
2) Only mot
3)Either pat or mot
4)Only pat
5)Either mot or tat
1)Only tat
2) Only mot
3)Either pat or mot
4)Only pat
5)Either mot or tat
3.What is the code for “work” in the given code language?
1) net
2) mot
3) kit
4) zit
5) kat
1) net
2) mot
3) kit
4) zit
5) kat
4.What is the code for “is” in the given code language?
1) lat
2) pat
3) mot
4) gat
5) zit
1) lat
2) pat
3) mot
4) gat
5) zit
5.What is the code for “and” in the given code language?
1) mot
2) pat
3) tat
4) kat
5) hot
1) mot
2) pat
3) tat
4) kat
5) hot
Directions (Q. No. 1 – 7): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are seven professors who teach in three different universities namely X, Yand Z such that not less than two professors teach in the same University. Each professor teaches a different subject namely Psychology, Sociology, English,Anthropology, Public Administration, Corporate governance and Economics but not necessarily in the same order. M teaches Corporate governancein the X University with only one other professor who likes Anthropology. O and R are the same university mates and teach Psychology and English respectively. P teaches in the Y University with only one professorand is not connected to Anthropology. Q teaches with only one professor and related to Sociology. S teaches Public Administration but not in the university in which Q teaches.
1.In which University “S” teaches?
1) Y
2) Z
3) X
4) Either Z or Y
5) Can’t be determined
1) Y
2) Z
3) X
4) Either Z or Y
5) Can’t be determined
2.Among these seven professors,how many teach in the University Z?
1) 2
2) 3
3) 4
4) 1
5) Can’t be determined
1) 2
2) 3
3) 4
4) 1
5) Can’t be determined
3.Which of the following combination is correct with respect to Q?
1) Sociology and Z
2) Economics and X
3) Sociology and Y
4) Psychology and Z
5) Economics and Z
1) Sociology and Z
2) Economics and X
3) Sociology and Y
4) Psychology and Z
5) Economics and Z
4.Which of the following is P’s favourite subject?
1) Anthropology or Economics
2) Economics
3) Anthropology
4) Either English or Anthropology
5) None of these
1) Anthropology or Economics
2) Economics
3) Anthropology
4) Either English or Anthropology
5) None of these
5.Which of the following is definitely correct?
1) R in Y
2) O in Y
3) Q in X
4) Pin X
5) N in X
1) R in Y
2) O in Y
3) Q in X
4) Pin X
5) N in X
6.Which of the following is not correct?
1) S and Public Administration
2) R and English
3) O and Psychology
4) N and Economics
5) Q and Sociology
1) S and Public Administration
2) R and English
3) O and Psychology
4) N and Economics
5) Q and Sociology
7.Which of the following subject does N likes?
1) Anthropology
2) English
3) Economics
4) Either Public Administrationor Anthropology
5) None of these
1) Anthropology
2) English
3) Economics
4) Either Public Administrationor Anthropology
5) None of these
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