Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
No additional sheet will be supplied)
PART A (5 x 3 = 15 marks)
- Answer any FIVE Questions
- Each question carries 3 marks
- Each answer should not exceed 1 page
1. Germ plasm
2. Germ line determination
3. Fertilization
4. Leydig cells
5. Gastrulation
6, Metamorphosis in amphibians
7. Ovarian development
8. Proximate tissue
PART B (4 x 15 = 60)
- Answer any ALL essay questions
- Each question carries 15 marks
- Each answer should not exceed 6 pages
9. Give notes on germ cell migration in reptiles and birds.
10. write about germ cell determination in nematodes, insects and amphibians.
11. Write about ovulation and ovum transport in mammals.
12. Give notes on semen composition and spermatogenesis.
13. Write about ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.
14. Explain types of cleavages.
15. How establishment of body axes occurs in mammals?
16. Write about genes and morphogenesis.
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