One Word Substitutes
1. A person who believes in fate……Fatalist.
2. A person who loves and collects books……Bibliophile
3. A person who sleep walks……Somnambulist
4. A person who talks during sleep……Somniloquist
5. A person who treats pain and pleasure alike……Stoic
6. A person who enjoys himself in flirting with women……Philanderer
7. A person who works for the welfare of women……Feminist
8. A person who can use his/her both hands equally well……Ambidextrous
9. A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country:……Immigrant
10. A person who is excessively fond of eating and drinking ……Epicure
11. A person who drives a motor car of others……Chauffeur
12. A person who is womanish in his habits……Effeminate
13. A person who believes in sexual pleasures……Hedonist
14. A specialist in dealing with diseases of children……Pediatrician
15. a specialist in dealing with diseases of heart……Cardiologist
16. A specialist in dealing with diseases of kidney……Nephrologist
17. A specialist in dealing with diseases of women……Gynaecologist
18. A specialist in dealing with diseases of mind……Psychiatrist
19. A specialist in dealing with diseases of bones and muscles ……orthopedist
20. A specialist in dealing with the birth of children……Obstetrician
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