“A ” – Abbreviations
AAFI === Amateur Athletic Federation of India
ABC === Atomic, Biological and Chemical (warfare);American Broad-casting Company; Australian Broadcasting Company.
ABM === Anti Ballistic Missiles
ABVP === Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad
ACC === Auxiliary Cadet Corps; Air Coordinating Committee
ADB === Asian Development Bank
ADC === Aide-de-Camp
AEC === Atomic Energy Commission
AICTE === All India Council for Technical Education
AIDS === Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
AIMS === All India Institute of Medical Sciences
AITUC === All India Trade Union Congress
ALCMS === Air Launched Nuclear Armed Cruise Missiles
AMC === Army Medical Corps
ANCA === Alternative Nuclear Command Authority
ANN === Asian News Network
APPEAL === Asian pacific Programme of Education for all
APPLE === Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment
ASAT === Anti-Satellite Weapon
ASEAN === Association of South-East Asian Nations
ASLV === Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
ASPAC === Asian and Pacific Council
ASROCK === Anti-Submarine Rocket Launchers
ASSOCHAM === Associated Chambers of Commerce and industry
ATS === Anti- Tetanus Serum (injection)
AWACS === Airborne Warning and Control System
“B” – Abbreviations
BARC === Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
BBC === British Broadcasting Corporation
BEL === Bharat Electronics Limited
BCG === Bacillus Calmette Guerin – Anti- TuberculosisVaccine
BHEL === Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.
BIMSTEC === Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka,Thailand, Economic Co-operation
BLT === Bado Liberation Tiger
BMR === Basal Metabolic Rate
BP === Blood Pressure
BRO === Border Road Organisation
BSF === Border Security Force
BARC === Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
BBC === British Broadcasting Corporation
BEL === Bharat Electronics Limited
BCG === Bacillus Calmette Guerin – Anti- Tuberculosis Vaccine
BHEL === Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.
BIMSTEC === Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka,Thailand, Economic Co-operation
BLT === Bado Liberation Tiger
BMR === Basal Metabolic Rate
BP === Blood Pressure
BRO === Border Road Organisation
BSF === Border Security Force
“C” – Abbreviations
CA === Chartered Accountant
CAG === Comptroller & Auditor General
CARE === Co-operation for American Relief Everywhere
CAT === Centre for Advanced Technology
CBI === Central Bureau of Investigation
CCI === Cricket Club of India
CDAC === Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
CDP === Community Development Programme
CHOGM === Commonwealth Heads of GovernmentMeeting
CIA === Central Intelligence Agency (of U.S.A)
CIS === Commonwealth of Independent States
CISF === Central Industrial Security Force
CMC === Computer Maintenance Corporation
CMIE === Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
CNS === Chief of the Naval Staff
COD === Central Ordinance Depot
COFEPOSA === Conservation of Foreign Exchange and prevention of Smuggling Activities Act
CPCSEA === Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals
CRPF === Central Reserve Police Force
CRR === Cash Reserve Ratio
CSCAP === Council For Security Co-operation for Asia Pacific
CSIR === Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSIRO === Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CSO === Central Statistical Organisation
CTBT === Comprehensing Test Ban Treaty
CWC === Central Warehouse Corporation
“D” – Abbreviations
DAVP === Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity
DDT === Dichloro-Diphenyl Trichloro-ethane(disinfectant)
DNA === Deoxy ribo-Nuchie-Acid
DOD === Department of Ocean Development
DRDO === Defence Research & Development Organisation
DRES === Department of Renewable Energy Sources
“E” – Abbreviations
ECG === Electro Cardiogram
ECGC === Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation of India
ECIL === Electronic Corporation of India Limited
ECT === Electro-convulsat Therapy (electric shock treatment)
ECU === European Currency Unit
EEC === European Economic Community (common market)
EEG === Electro-encephalographye.g.exampli gratia; for example
EIL === Engineers India Limited
E-MAIL === Electronic Mailing
E & OE === Errors and Omissions Excepted
ERDA === Energy Research and Development Administration
ESA === European Space Agency
ESCAP === Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESI === Employee State Insurance
ESMA === Essential Services Maintenance Act
EST === Eastern Standard Timeetc.ett cetera (and other things)
EU === European Union
EVM === Electronic Voting Machine
EWS === Economically Weaker Section
“F” – Abbreviations
FACT === Fertilizers & Chemicals Travancore Ltd.
FAO === Food and Agriculture Organisation
FBI === Federal Bureau of Investigation (of the U.S.A.)
FCI === Food Corporation of India
FDR === Flight Data Recorder
FERA === Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
FICCI === Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FTII === Film & Television Institute of India
“G” – Abbreviations
GAIL === Gas Authority of India Limited
GATE === Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
GATT === General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade
GDR === German Democratic Republic
GIC === General Insurance Corporation
GIST === Graphics & Intelligence based Script Technology
GMDSS === Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GM === Grand Master (Chess)
GMT === Greenwich Mean Time
GNP === Gross National Product
GOC === General Officer Commanding
GOP === Grand Old Party
GSI === Geological Survey of India
GSLV === Geo Synchronous Launch Vehicle
GTB === Global Trust Bank Ltd.,
“H” – Abbreviations
HAL === Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
HBV === Hepatitis – B – Virus
HFDC === Housing Finance Development Corporation
HIV === Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HUDCO === Housing and Urban Development Corporation
“I” – Abbreviations
IAAI === International Airport Authority of India
IAC === Indian Airlines Corporation
IADF === International Agricultural Development Fund
IAEA === International Atomic Energy Agency
IAMC === Indian Army Medical Corps
IATA === International Air Transport Association
IBRD === International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ICAO === International Civil Aviation Organisation
ICAR === Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ICBL === International Campaign to Ban Landmines
ICC === International Cricket Conference
ICF === International Court of Justice
ICCR === Indian Council of Cultural Relations
ICCW === Indian Council for Child Welfare
ICHR === Indian Council for Historical Research
ICJ === International Court of Justice
ICICI === Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
ICMR === Indian Council of Medical Research
ICRC === International Committee of the Red Cross
IDA === International Development Association
IDBI === Industrial Development Bank of India
IDPL === Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,i.e.id est
IEA === International Energy Agency
IFAD === International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFCI === Industrial Finance Corporation of India Ltd.
IFFCO === Indian Formers Fertilizers Co-operatives
IFTU === International Federations of Trade Unions
IGMOP === Integrated guided Missile Development Programme
IGNCA === Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts
IGNOU === Indira Gandhi National Open University
IIT === Indian Institute of Technology
ILO === International Labour Organisation
ILY === International Literacy Year
IMA === Indian Military Academy
IMF === International Monetary Fund
IMO === International Maritime Organisation
INCOSPAR === Indian National Committee on Space Research
INMARSAT === International Maritime Satellite Organisation
INMAS === Institute of Nuclear Medicines & Allied Science
INS === Indian Naval Ship; Indian Newspaper Society
INSA === Indian National Science Academy
INSAT === Indian National Satellite
INTELEX === International Teleprinter Exchange
INTERPOL === International Police Organisation
IOC === International Olympic Committee
IORARC === Indian Ocean Rim Association for regional cooperation
IRBM === intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
ISE === Inter-connected Stock Exchange
ISO === International Standards Organisation
ISRO === Indian Space Research Organisation
ISP === Internet Service Provider
ISS === International Space Stations
ISSP === Indian Scientific Satellite Project
ITDC === Indian Tourism Development Corporation
ITO === International Trade Organisation; Income -TaxOfficer
“J” – Abbreviations
JCO === Junior Commissioned Officer
JNU === Jawaharlal Nehru University
JP === Janata Party; Justice of Peace
“K” – Abbreviations
KG === Kindergarten
Kg === Kilogramme
“L” – Abbreviations
LASER === Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LCA === Light Combat Aircraft
LED === Light-Emitting Diode
LIC === Life Insurance Corporations (of India)
LPG === Liquid Petroleum Gas
LTC === Leave Travel Concession
LTTE === Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
“M” – Abbreviations
MAPP === Madras Atomic Power Project
MISA === Maintenance of InternalSecurity Act
MASER === Micro-wave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
MAT === Minimum Alternate Tax
MODVAT === Modified Value Added Tax
MRTPC === Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission
“N” – Abbreviations
NAA === National Airport Authority
NABARD === National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development
NAEP === National Adult Education Programme
NAG === National Air Guard
NAM === Non-aligned Movement
NASA === National Aeronautics and Space Administration (of the U.S.A.)
NASSCOM === National Association of Software and Service Companies NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NCC === National Cadet Corps
NCEP === National Committee on Environment Planning
NCERT === National Council of Education Research and Training
NCM === National Commission of Minorities
NCRPB === National Capital Region Planning Board
NCSC & ST === National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
NDA === National Defence Academy
NDC === National Development Council
NDPS === Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances
NEP === National Education Policy
NEPA === National Environment Protection Authority
NFC === Nuclear Fuel Complex
NFDC === National Film Development Corporation
NIB === National Internet Backbone
NIC === National Integration Council
NICSAT === National Informatics Centre Satellite
NIFT === National Institute of Fashion Technology
NIO === National Institute of Oceanography
NIS === National Institute of Sports
NLM === National Literacy Mission
NLMA === National Literacy Mission Authority
NMDC === National Mineral Development Corporation
NNPT === Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty
NPC === National Productivity Council
NPP === National Population Policy
NPTC === National Power Transmission Corporation
NREP === National Rural Employment Programme
NRI === Non-resident Indian
NRSA === National Remote Sensing Agency
NSA === National Securities Act
NSC === National Statistical Commission
NSC === National Security Council
NSS === National Savings Scheme
N.S.C. === National Service Corps, National Security Council
NSG === National Security Guards
NSO === National Sports Organisation
NTC === National Textile Corporation
NTPC === National Thermal Power Corporation
“O” – Abbreviations
OAU === Organisation of African Unity
OCS === Overseas Communication Service
OECD === Organisation Economic Co-operation and Development
OGL === Open General Licence Oil India Limited
OM === Order of Merit
ONGC === Oil and Natural Gas Commission
OPEC === Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OSCE === Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
OTS === Officers Training Academy
“P” – Abbreviations
PAC === Political Affairs Committee; Public Accounts Committee
PDA === Preventive Detention Act
PERC === Political & Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd.,
PETA === People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
PIB === Press Information Bureau
PIL === Public Interest Litigation
PIN Code === Postal Index Number Code
PIO === Persons of Indian Origin
PLO === Palestine Liberations Organisation
PROM === Programmable Read Only Memory
PSLV === Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
PTA === Preferential Trade Area
PTI === Press Trust of India
PVC === Param Vir Chakra
PVSM === Param Vishisht Sewa Medal
“Q” – Abbreviations
QMC v Quarter Master General
“R” – Abbreviations
RADAR === Radio Detecting and Ranging
RAM === Random Access Memory
RAW === Research and Analysis Wing
RBI === Reserve Bank of India
RCI === Rehabilitation Council of India
REC === Rural Electrification Corporation
RLO === Returned Letter Office
RPF === Railway Protection Force
RPM === Revolution Per Minute
RRB === Railway Recruitment Board
RSS === Rashtriya Swyamsevak Sangh
“S” – Abbreviations
SAARC === South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SAI === Sports Authority of India
SAIDC === South African Industrial Development Corporation
SAIL === Steel Authority of India Limited
SALT === Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (or Treaty)
SAPTA === South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement
SARS === Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SARSAT === Search and Rescue Satellite – Aided Tracking System
SAVE === SAARC Audio Visual Exchange
SEATO === South East Asia Treaty Organisation
SEBI === Securities and Exchange Board of India
SENSEX === Sensitivity Index of Share Price
SEMIBOMBLA === Scheme of the Economists for Monetary Immobilisation through Bond Medallions and Blocked Accounts
SFC === Strotegic Forces Command
SHCIL === Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd
SIDBI === Small Industries Development Bank of India
SIDBI === Small Industries Development Bank of India
SIEMA === Southern India Engineering Manufacturersโ Association
SINP === Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
“T” – Abbreviations
TADA === Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act
TANSI === Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation
TAPS === Tarapur Atomic Power Station
TCAS === Tactical Collision Avoidance System
TDA === Trade Development Authority
TELEX === Teleprinter Exchange TIFAC Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council
TISCO === Tata Iron and Steel Company
TNAU === Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
TNCSC === Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation
TNT === Tri-nitro-toluene (high explosive) Tripura National Volunteers
TRYSEM === Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment
“U” – Abbreviations
UGC === University Grants Commission
UNCTAD === United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDCP === United Nations International Drug Control Programme
UNDP === United Nations Development Programme
UNEF === United Nations Emergency Force
UNFPA === United Nations Population Fund
UNEP === United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO === United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNFPA === UN Fund for Population Activities
UNHCR === United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNI === United News of India
UNIC === United Nations Information Centre
UNICEF === United Nations International Childrenโs (Emergency) Fund
UNIDO === United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
UNMOGIP === United Nations Observer Group in India and Pakistan
UNSCOM === United National Special Commission
USAID === United States Agency for International Development
“V” – Abbreviations
VAT === Value Added Tax
VCR === Video Cassette Recorder
VHP === Vishwa Hindu Parishad
VHRR === Very High Resolution Radiometer
VOA === Voice of America
VPP === Value Payable Post
VRDE === Vehicle Research & Development Establishment
“W” – Abbreviations
WAY === World Assembly of Youth
WBF === World Book Fair
WCD === World Commission of Dams
WEF === World Economic Forum
WFP === World Food Programme
WFTU === World Federation of Trade Unions
WHO === World Health Organisation (of the U.N.)
WMO === World Meteorological Organisation
WPI === Wholesale Price Index
WTO === World Tourism Organisation
WWF === World Wildlife Fund
“X” – Abbreviations
X-mas === Christmas
“Y” – Abbreviations
YMCA === Young Menโs Christian Association
YWCA === Young Womenโs Christian Association
“Z” – Abbreviations
ZETA === Zero Energy Thermo-nuclear Assembly or Apparatus
ZOPFAN === Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality
ZS === Zoological Society
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