Introduction Microsoft Excel (full name Microsoft Of fice Excel) is a spread sheet-applica tion written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Win dows and Mac OS X. It fea tures calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables and a macro pro gram ming language called VBA (Vi sual Ba sic for Applications). It has been the most widely used spreadsheet application available for these platforms since version 5 in 1993. Excel is included as part of Microsoft Office. A spreadsheet is a software tool that lets one enter, calculate, manipulate and analyse set of numbers.
Worksheet :: It is a grid of cells made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns. Worksheet contains 65,536 rows and 256 columns.
Row Number :: Each row is given a number that identifies it, starts from 1, 2, 3, 4, … so on.
Column Letter ::Each column is given a let ter that iden ti fies it, starts from A … Z, AA … AZ, BA … BZ, … IA – IV.
Cell :: It is a ba sic unit of worksheet where num bers, text, for mu las etc, can be placed.
Cell Pointer ::It is a cell-bound ary that spec i fies which cell is ac tive at that mo ment.
Current Cell :: It is a cell which is ac tive.
Range of Cell :: It is a group of con tig u ous cells that forms a rect an gu lar area in shape.
Work Book :: A worksheet is a grid of cells made up of rows and col umns. Mul ti ple worksheets can be com bined un der a file know as work book.
Data in Worksheet :: Three types of data can be en tered, num bers/char ac ters (012345678 + – (), 1 $; %, E, e), text and for mu las.
Formula :: It is a se quence of val ues, cell ad dress, names func tions or op er a tors in a cell that pro duces a new value from ex ist ing values. Cell Ref er enc ing Each cell in worksheet has a unique ad dress, when cell ad dress is re ferred in for mu las, it is called cell ref er enc ing. Rel a tive Ref er enc ing
Cell referencing :: in which the cells are re ferred by their rel a tive po si tion in the worksheet rel a tive to a par tic u lar cell.
Referencing Cell :: ref er enc ing in which the cells are re ferred by their fixed po si tion (ab so lute po si tion) in the worksheet.
Mixed Referencing :: Com bi na tion of rel a tive and ab so lute ref er enc ing is called mixed ref er enc ing.
Functions ::Functions are predefined formulas that per form calculations by using spe cific val ues, called arguments.
Arguments :: Ar gu ments are the val ues passed to the func tions, us ing which the func tion car ries out some task. It can be numbers, text, logical values, constants, formulas or other functions.
Structure :: The struc ture of a func tion be gins with the func tion name, fol lowed by an open ing pa ren the sis, the ar gu ments for the func tion sep a rated by com mas and a clos ing parenthesis.
Charts :: Charts/Graphs are the pictorial representation of worksheet data.
Area Chart :: An area chart emphasizes the magnitude of change over time.
Column Chart :: A column chart shows data-changes over a period of time or illustrates comparisons among item.
Bar Chart :: It illustrates comparisons among individual items. Categories are organized vertically and values horizontally.
Line Chart :: It shows trends in data at equal intervals. It is useful for depicting the change in a value over a period of time.
Pie Chart :: It shows the proportional size of items that make up a data series to the sum of the items.
XY (Scatter) Chart ::It shows the relationships among the numeric values in several data series or plots two groups of numbers as series of XY coordinates.
Components of a Chart ::
X-axis :: This is a horizontal axis known as category axis.
Y-axis :: This is a vertical axis known as values axis.
Data series :: This is the set of values you want to plot in the chart.
Chart area :: This is the total region surrounding the chart.
Plot area :: The area where data is plotted. The plot area is bounded by axes in a 2D-chart whereas in 3Dchart it is bounded by walls and floor.
Chart title :: The descriptive text aimed at helping user identify the chart.
Axis title :: These are the titles given to three axis ie, X, Y, Z.
Legend :: The legend helps to identify various plotted data series.
Gridlines :: These are horizontal and vertical lines which inserted in the chart to enhance its readability.
Data Label :: It provides additional information about a data marker.
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