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RRB (03-04-2016) Second Shift Non Technical Online Exam Analysis

What is logo of Make in Inida?
Answer: Moving Lion

Largest freshwater lake in India?
Answer: Wular

Where is Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra is located?
Answer: Ajmer

What is WLAN?
Answer: Wireless Local Area Network

What is LIGO?
Answer: Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave observatory

What does BESK Stand for?
Answer: Binary Electronic Sequence Calculator

In which year Sikkim State was Formed?
Answer: 1975

Where was the first Olympics games are held?
Answer: Athens

What is oneirology?
Answer: study of dreams

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Which is most Abundant Natural Combustible Gas?
Answer: Methane

Limerick is ?
Answer: Five line poetry

Who is Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1999?
Answer: Nawaz sharif

Karl Marx is?
Answer: Philosopher

Holi is celebrated with?
Answer: Gulal

Who is the author of Malgudi days?
Answer: R.K Narayan

In which year Arunachal Pradesh state is formed?
Answer: 1972

In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher is quote by ?
Answer: Dalai Lama

Headquarters of UNO?
Answer: New york

How Many Days our Prime Minister Visited America in 2015?
Answer: 5 days

What is change in position with distance called as ?
Answer: Magnitude

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